Bibliographic citations
Vásquez, S., (2021). Calidad del agua para consumo humano y percepción de la población de Gallito, distrito de Fernando Lores - región Loreto 2020 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Vásquez, S., Calidad del agua para consumo humano y percepción de la población de Gallito, distrito de Fernando Lores - región Loreto 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Calidad del agua para consumo humano y percepción de la población de Gallito, distrito de Fernando Lores - región Loreto 2020",
author = "Vásquez Falcón, Sara Carolina",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
The study was carried out in the community of Gallito, district of Fernando Lores, with the objective of carrying out the physical, chemical and biological analysis of the water for human consumption of the safe water project that they have in their community and the perception of the population regarding said draft. For this, the Regulation of Water Quality for Human Consumption was taken as a reference: Supreme Decree No. 031-2010-SA of the Ministry of Health. Of all the activities carried out for the water analysis, two sampling points were taken, which include the storage tank and the public pool of the Gallito safe water project, for each sampling site three samples were collected for physical, chemical and biological analysis. respectively. For the perception of the consumption population, it was carried out through a survey of users of the Gallito safe water project. Once the investigation is finished, it can be determined that the water quality of the safe water project consumed by the population of the Gallito community is suitable for human consumption, since all the parameters that were analyzed and with emphasis on total coliforms and fecal coliforms comply with the Maximum Permissible Limits established in the Regulation of the Quality of Water for Human Consumption (DS N ° 031-2010-SA). Likewise, the perception of the population mentions that they are very satisfied with the general service provided by the Gallito safe water project, they know that the quality of the water they consume is drinkable thanks to the NGO Misiones del Agua Peru and the Safe Water Committee They made this information known to them through water analysis evidence. They also mention that they recommend the project to other residents of the Gallito community.
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