Bibliographic citations
Robles, J., (2017). Manejo de plántulas de Cedrelinga catenaeformis "tornillo" en vivero con diferentes sustratos orgánicos, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Robles, J., Manejo de plántulas de Cedrelinga catenaeformis "tornillo" en vivero con diferentes sustratos orgánicos, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2017.
title = "Manejo de plántulas de Cedrelinga catenaeformis "tornillo" en vivero con diferentes sustratos orgánicos, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú",
author = "Robles Guimet, Jhonathan Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2017"
The study was in the CIEFOR Puerto Almendras - UNAP district of San Juan Bautista, Maynas province, Loreto region. The objective was to improve growth in height and diameter; survival and quality of seedlings Cedrelinga cateniformis Ducke "tornillo" applying different organic substrates, nursery, compared with the control. The experimental area was 8 m2 sub divided into 15 plots of 2,0 m x 0,3 m c / u; The experimental design was simple random, with control, 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The seedlings were planted in the following substrates, Witness (t0) 100% natural land, treatments 1 (t1) decomposed sawdust 20% + 40% + 30% natural soil of rotten stick + 10% sand; (t2) 20% rotten stick + 40% decomposed sawdust + 30% natural land + 10% sand, (t3) 20% decomposed sawdust + 30% natural land + 30% rotten stick + 10% sand and (t4) 30% rotten stick + 30% + 30% natural soil decomposed sawdust + 10% sand. The results indicate that treatment 3 (t3) was presented the highest increase in both height and diameter 4,58 cm and 0,99 to mm respectively; likewise had the highest survival with 83% of live plants and, in terms of quality regulate plant was similar to the control (t0).
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