Bibliographic citations
Mera, J., (2016). Evaluación del rendimiento de la planta industrial Sico Maderas S.A.C. en el aserrío de madera y propuesta de mejora, 2014. [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Mera, J., Evaluación del rendimiento de la planta industrial Sico Maderas S.A.C. en el aserrío de madera y propuesta de mejora, 2014. [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Evaluación del rendimiento de la planta industrial Sico Maderas S.A.C. en el aserrío de madera y propuesta de mejora, 2014.",
author = "Mera Isla, Jimmy Antony",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The study was designed to determine the current status of the company SICO WOODS SAC, through performance evaluation, to contribute to the development of a proposal to improve its development, the study was conducted in the city of Iquitos, sawmill located on the banks Rio Itaya. The research was descriptive and descriptive analytical method (quantitative), which was to submit to the sawmill to a thorough job making information and analysis of key aspects required for these cases. The company conducted evaluations through surveys of social type economic, technical, inventory resulting in a total of 99 logs with a volume of 51,19 m³ in total was performed, also observed that the average in diameter log was 0,41 m³ and the average length was 3,50 m, the average volume per log was 0,52 m³, quality of logs was composed by two first categories and second, the yield found was 62,72% .It concluded that the drying chambers are manufacturing Local with a capacity of 22 000 pt per camera ,. The average diameter was 0, 41 log m and the average length was 3, 50 m, the average volume per log was 0, 52 m³. Performance cumala wood for the sawmill was 62,22%, and average volume for logs from 2 to 3 m long was 0,35 m³, and for logs of 3,1 m to 4 m long, 0,43 m³ and finally to logs from 4,1 to 5 m³ 0,68 m³.
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