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Picón, C., (2023). Aplicación de la tecnología HPGR al circuito de chancado para aumentar el tonelaje en Molienda [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Picón, C., Aplicación de la tecnología HPGR al circuito de chancado para aumentar el tonelaje en Molienda [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Aplicación de la tecnología HPGR al circuito de chancado para aumentar el tonelaje en Molienda",
author = "Picón Tocto, Cristian Anthony",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Title: Aplicación de la tecnología HPGR al circuito de chancado para aumentar el tonelaje en Molienda
Authors(s): Picón Tocto, Cristian Anthony
Advisor(s): Castillo Úngaro, Ricardo
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: A medida que avanza la etapa de minado, el mineral que es alimentado a Planta sufre un cambio litológico, es decir, se encuentran rocas de mayor dureza, menor ley y de mineralogía más compleja. La necesidad de procesar este tipo de minerales hace que se busquen nuevas e innovadoras tecnologías para mantener una eficiente etapa de conminución y de esta manera cumplir con los objetivos de producción. La conminución es la etapa con mayor consumo de energía dentro de una Planta Concentradora (80%), por lo tanto, la optimización y control del consumo de energía en la reducción del tamaño de partícula desempeñan un papel fundamental.
Es así como, desde las últimas tres décadas, la tecnología de los rodillos de alta presión (HPGR) surge como una alternativa atractiva en las operaciones de conminución, funcionando como una pre-molienda o una etapa final de chancado.
El HPGR tiene la ventaja de tratar minerales de alta dureza, disminuyendo el work index del mineral alimentado a molienda debido al uso eficiente de la energía durante el mecanismo de ruptura. La presente investigación es para describir el proceso de aplicación de la tecnología HPGR en una Planta Concentradora al sur del país realizando primero un análisis metalúrgico del proyecto, seguido de una descripción detallada de los equipos necesarios para su implementación para finalmente realizar un análisis estadístico comparativo entre los valores operacionales de la planta (tonelaje procesado, work index, consumo de energía, consumo de medios moledores y tiempo de vida útil de los forros de las chancadoras) antes y después de la aplicación de dicha tecnología. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la aplicación de la tecnología HPGR logra aumentar el tonelaje de planta en un 10.8 %, disminuir el work index del mineral alimentado a molinos en un 9.8%, reducir el consumo energía en 9.9 %, reducir el consumo de medios moledores en 14.1% y aumentar la vida útil de los forros de las chancadoras terciarias en un 27.2 %. Palabras claves — HPGR, work index, consumo de energía, pre-molienda.
As the mining stage progresses, the ore that is fed to the Plant undergoes a lithological change, that is, rocks of greater hardness, lower grade and more complex mineralogy are found. The need to process this type of mineral leads to the search for new and innovative technologies to maintain an efficient comminution stage and thus meet production objectives. Comminution is the stage with the highest energy consumption within a Concentrator Plant (80%), therefore, the optimization and control of energy consumption in reducing particle size play a fundamental role. This is how, since the last three decades, the technology of high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) has emerged as an attractive alternative in comminution operations, working as a pre-grinding or a final stage of crushing. The HPGR has the advantage of treating high hardness minerals, decreasing the work index of the mineral fed to the grinding due to the efficient use of energy during the breaking mechanism. The present investigation is to describe the application process of HPGR technology in a concentrator plant in the south of the country, first carrying out an analysis of the economic viability of the project, followed by a detailed description of the equipment necessary for its implementation, to finally perform a comparative statistical analysis between the operational values of the plant (processed tonnage, work index, energy consumption, consumption of grinding media and lifetime of crushers liners) before and after the application of said technology. The results obtained show that the application of HPGR technology manages to increase plant tonnage by 10.8%, decrease the work index of the mineral fed to mills by 9.8%, decrease energy consumption by 9.9%, decrease the consumption of grinding media by 14.1% and increase the lifetime of tertiary crushers liners by 27.2%.
As the mining stage progresses, the ore that is fed to the Plant undergoes a lithological change, that is, rocks of greater hardness, lower grade and more complex mineralogy are found. The need to process this type of mineral leads to the search for new and innovative technologies to maintain an efficient comminution stage and thus meet production objectives. Comminution is the stage with the highest energy consumption within a Concentrator Plant (80%), therefore, the optimization and control of energy consumption in reducing particle size play a fundamental role. This is how, since the last three decades, the technology of high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) has emerged as an attractive alternative in comminution operations, working as a pre-grinding or a final stage of crushing. The HPGR has the advantage of treating high hardness minerals, decreasing the work index of the mineral fed to the grinding due to the efficient use of energy during the breaking mechanism. The present investigation is to describe the application process of HPGR technology in a concentrator plant in the south of the country, first carrying out an analysis of the economic viability of the project, followed by a detailed description of the equipment necessary for its implementation, to finally perform a comparative statistical analysis between the operational values of the plant (processed tonnage, work index, energy consumption, consumption of grinding media and lifetime of crushers liners) before and after the application of said technology. The results obtained show that the application of HPGR technology manages to increase plant tonnage by 10.8%, decrease the work index of the mineral fed to mills by 9.8%, decrease energy consumption by 9.9%, decrease the consumption of grinding media by 14.1% and increase the lifetime of tertiary crushers liners by 27.2%.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica
Grade or title: Ingeniero Metalurgista
Juror: Rosales Huamaní, Jimmy Aurelio; Lobato Flores, Arturo Leoncio
Register date: 30-May-2024
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