Bibliographic citations
Ramírez, J., (2023). Aplicación de la energía producida por las mezclas explosivas comerciales para la construcción de una carretera [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramírez, J., Aplicación de la energía producida por las mezclas explosivas comerciales para la construcción de una carretera [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Aplicación de la energía producida por las mezclas explosivas comerciales para la construcción de una carretera",
author = "Ramírez Torres, Jonathan Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The objective of this study is to reduce the fragmentation of rock with dimensions greater than 1m3 using the energy produced by commercial explosive mixtures for the construction of a highway, considering blasting of great importance in the civil construction industry in particular. Therefore, its valuable application will be very useful in the contractor company to achieve the amount of energy that it generates according to the most convenient proportion of commercial explosive mixtures. The research carried out is of an applicative type and uses a quasi-experimental design. It was carried out in two dependent samples in the same progressive, Pk: 15+560 @ 15+640, carrying out the execution of blasting in fractured rock masses with intermediate resistance on different benches, for the construction of the highway. Observation was used as the main technique and photographs as the instrument. These photographs made it possible to differentiate coarse fragmentation greater than 1m3 from fragmentation less than 1 m3. When performing the t-student test for dependent samples with a value of 7.92 and a significance level of 0.05, it is concluded that, despite having a higher Load Factor when using cartridge emulsion instead of commercial explosive mixture, the opposite occurs with the Energy Factor. This means that when using the commercial explosive mixture, MEC- 46, a better result is obtained in the fragmentation of rock produced by blasting.
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