Bibliographic citations
Otero, D., (2023). Propuesta de metodología para la estimación de la capacidad residual de edificaciones de albañilería usando el monitoreo de salud estructural [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Otero, D., Propuesta de metodología para la estimación de la capacidad residual de edificaciones de albañilería usando el monitoreo de salud estructural [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Propuesta de metodología para la estimación de la capacidad residual de edificaciones de albañilería usando el monitoreo de salud estructural",
author = "Otero Monteza, Danty Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Structural health monitoring is a method of detecting damage to a structure with permanent monitoring of the information provided by sensors located at different points of the structure. Because the information is obtained in real time, it is possible to evaluate the residual capacity against aftershocks immediately after a first earthquake event. The death of human beings in an earthquake is mainly due to the collapse of buildings, caused not necessarily by the main event, but by aftershocks. This is because the structures lose part of their capacity after supporting the first event. Studies also show that more than 83% of the houses in metropolitan Lima and Callao are masonry (Díaz, 2019). In this sense, a methodology is proposed to evaluate the residual capacity of masonry buildings using structural health monitoring, so that it can be implemented in the short time between a mainshock and its aftershock. An experimental test was carried out with scale specimens subjected to seismic movements on a shaking table. The specimens were instrumented with low-cost acceleration sensors. It was observed that in the elastic range it is possible to calculate the displacements with the measured accelerations. However, in the inelastic range a residual displacement originates. 110 masonry structures modeled as single degree of freedom system (SDOF) were also proposed, with which dynamic analyzes were carried out with Peruvian historical records, considering a mainshock and its aftershock. With the results obtained, it was possible to estimate the residual displacement and the degradation of the properties of the structures. Finally, the proposed methodology was applied to the SDOF models and to a three-story three-dimensional model, concluding that it is possible to estimate the maximum response of the masonry buildings for the aftershock.
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