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Huamán, J., (2023). Análisis de consecuencias de escenarios de riesgo en una instalación de GLP [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Huamán, J., Análisis de consecuencias de escenarios de riesgo en una instalación de GLP [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Análisis de consecuencias de escenarios de riesgo en una instalación de GLP",
author = "Huamán Cucho, Jennesi Mariluz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Title: Análisis de consecuencias de escenarios de riesgo en una instalación de GLP
Authors(s): Huamán Cucho, Jennesi Mariluz
Advisor(s): Delgado Acevedo, Aldo Max
Keywords: Análisis de riesgos; Hidrocarburos
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La industria de los hidrocarburos desempeña un rol importante dentro de las actividades económicas del país, debido a su impacto en los principales indicadores económicos asociados al crecimiento y desarrollo del mismo, además de su relevancia en el panorama energético mundial, siendo el Gas Licuado de Petróleo (GLP), uno de los combustibles más consumidos a nivel nacional (Osinergmin, 2015); sin embargo, pese a todos los beneficios que ofrece, también es uno de los hidrocarburos de mayor peligrosidad en el sector. Uno de los ejemplos más cercanos y recientes ha sido la tragedia ocurrida el 23 de enero de 2020 en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, departamento de Lima, un incendio urbano por deflagración de una fuga masiva de GLP desde un camión cisterna, que resultó en 34 personas fallecidas, 26 heridos, 159 personas afectadas, además de los daños materiales generados por el siniestro (COEN-INDECI, 2020).
Eventos de esta naturaleza son un recordatorio del nivel de riesgo existente en el manejo de GLP, y la importancia de efectuar una gestión oportuna de los riesgos asociados a los procesos en estas instalaciones, lo cual inicia con una adecuada identificación y evaluación de los mismos, con la compresión de la magnitud y efectos de los posibles accidentes que pueden suscitarse en las instalaciones para una oportuna planificación, así como de los sistemas de seguridad de los que se dispone para prevenirlos y mitigarlos.
En este informe se presenta una metodología para realizar un análisis de consecuencias a fin de estimar los daños generados por escenarios de riesgo asociados a la liberación de sustancias peligrosas, aplicada al caso particular de las operaciones que se realizan en una Planta Envasadora de GLP. La metodología consiste en la identificación de los escenarios de riesgo que corresponden a los accidentes mayores que pueden suscitarse en la instalación, comúnmente asociados a escenarios de fugas, incendios, explosiones y dispersiones de nubes inflamables o tóxicas, derivados de eventos de pérdida de contención de sustancias peligrosas. Para estos escenarios de riesgo se efectuó el modelamiento de sus consecuencias a fin de obtener una estimación de los alcances de afectación de cada escenario y la severidad de las consecuencias generadas para el entorno humano, socioeconómico y ambiental.
La metodología utilizada para llevar a cabo el análisis de consecuencias de los escenarios de riesgo que pueden suscitarse en la instalación objeto de estudio, está basada en el uso de modelos matemáticos de reconocido prestigio, a través de los cuales es posible estimar el comportamiento de estos eventos y sus efectos. Sin embargo, el proceso de cálculo requerido por cada escenario es complejo y extenso, además en él intervienen una gran cantidad de ecuaciones, variables, e iteraciones para llegar a los resultados buscados. Actualmente existen herramientas informáticas especializadas que contemplan estos modelos matemáticos y dan soporte a este proceso.
En el presente informe, para los cálculos de modelamiento de las consecuencias de los escenarios de riesgo se empleó el software EFFECTS 9.0.23 desarrollado por la organización TNO de Holanda para el cálculo de los efectos físicos y consecuencias de la liberación de materiales peligrosos, dado que emplea modelos especializados, reconocidos y ampliamente validados.
En ese sentido, los resultados de la aplicación de la metodología de análisis de consecuencias permitieron conocer los diferentes tipos de accidentes finales que pueden darse en la instalación, estimar los alcances de afectación y la severidad de estos eventos, así como el alcance de la zona de intervención para los escenarios de incendio a fin de prevenir el efecto dominó, y además brindaron información esencial para la gestión de los riesgos de la instalación, y la toma de decisiones en la etapa de planificación de las acciones coordinadas que deberán llevarse a cabo para la atención de las posibles emergencias analizadas para operaciones con GLP.
The hydrocarbons industry plays an important role within the economic activities of the country, due to its impact on the main economic indicators associated with its growth and development, in addition to its relevance in the world energy panorama, being Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), one of the most consumed fuels nationwide (Osinergmin, 2015); however, despite all the benefits it offers, it is also one of the most dangerous hydrocarbons in the sector. One of the closest and most recent examples has been the tragedy that occurred on January 23, 2020 in the district of Villa El Salvador, department of Lima, an urban fire due to the deflagration of a massive LPG leak from a tanker truck, which resulted in 34 people died, 26 injured, 159 people affected, in addition to the material damage generated by the incident (COEN-INDECI, 2020). Events of this nature are a reminder of the level of risk existing in the handling of LPG, and the importance of carrying out a timely management of the risks associated with the processes in these facilities, which begins with an adequate identification and evaluation of the same, with the understanding of the magnitude and effects of possible accidents that may arise in the facilities for timely planning, as well as the security systems available to prevent and mitigate them. This report presents a methodology to carry out an analysis of consequences in order to estimate the damages generated by risk scenarios associated with the release of hazardous substances, applied to the particular case of operations carried out in a LPG Bottling Plant. The methodology consists of identifying the risk scenarios that correspond to major accidents that can occur at the facility, commonly associated with scenarios of leaks, fires, explosions and dispersion of flammable or toxic clouds, derived from events of loss of containment of Hazardous substances. For these scenarios, the modeling of their consequences was carried out in order to obtain a risk estimate of the scope of impact of each scenario and the severity of the consequences for the human, socioeconomic and environmental environment. The methodology used to carry out the analysis of the consequences of the risk scenarios that may arise in the facility under study, is based on the use of renowned mathematical models, through which it is possible to estimate the behavior of these events. and its effects. However, the calculation process required by each scenario is complex and extensive, and a large number of equations, variables and iterations are involved in it to reach the desired results. Currently there are specialized Computer tools that contemplate these mathematical models and support this process. In this report, for the modeling calculations of the consequences of the risk scenarios, the EFFECTS 9.0.23 software developed by the organization TNO of the Netherlands was used to calculate the physical effects and consequences of the release of hazardous materials, given that uses specialized, recognized and widely validated models. In this sense, the results of the application of the consequence analysis methodology allowed to know the different types of final accidents that can occur in the facility, estimate the scope of affectation and the severity of these events, as well as the scope of the zone of intervention for fire scenarios in order to prevent the domino effect, and also provided essential information for the management of the risks of the installation, and decision-making in the planning stage of the coordinated actions that must be carried out for the attention to possible emergencies analyzed for LPG operations.
The hydrocarbons industry plays an important role within the economic activities of the country, due to its impact on the main economic indicators associated with its growth and development, in addition to its relevance in the world energy panorama, being Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), one of the most consumed fuels nationwide (Osinergmin, 2015); however, despite all the benefits it offers, it is also one of the most dangerous hydrocarbons in the sector. One of the closest and most recent examples has been the tragedy that occurred on January 23, 2020 in the district of Villa El Salvador, department of Lima, an urban fire due to the deflagration of a massive LPG leak from a tanker truck, which resulted in 34 people died, 26 injured, 159 people affected, in addition to the material damage generated by the incident (COEN-INDECI, 2020). Events of this nature are a reminder of the level of risk existing in the handling of LPG, and the importance of carrying out a timely management of the risks associated with the processes in these facilities, which begins with an adequate identification and evaluation of the same, with the understanding of the magnitude and effects of possible accidents that may arise in the facilities for timely planning, as well as the security systems available to prevent and mitigate them. This report presents a methodology to carry out an analysis of consequences in order to estimate the damages generated by risk scenarios associated with the release of hazardous substances, applied to the particular case of operations carried out in a LPG Bottling Plant. The methodology consists of identifying the risk scenarios that correspond to major accidents that can occur at the facility, commonly associated with scenarios of leaks, fires, explosions and dispersion of flammable or toxic clouds, derived from events of loss of containment of Hazardous substances. For these scenarios, the modeling of their consequences was carried out in order to obtain a risk estimate of the scope of impact of each scenario and the severity of the consequences for the human, socioeconomic and environmental environment. The methodology used to carry out the analysis of the consequences of the risk scenarios that may arise in the facility under study, is based on the use of renowned mathematical models, through which it is possible to estimate the behavior of these events. and its effects. However, the calculation process required by each scenario is complex and extensive, and a large number of equations, variables and iterations are involved in it to reach the desired results. Currently there are specialized Computer tools that contemplate these mathematical models and support this process. In this report, for the modeling calculations of the consequences of the risk scenarios, the EFFECTS 9.0.23 software developed by the organization TNO of the Netherlands was used to calculate the physical effects and consequences of the release of hazardous materials, given that uses specialized, recognized and widely validated models. In this sense, the results of the application of the consequence analysis methodology allowed to know the different types of final accidents that can occur in the facility, estimate the scope of affectation and the severity of these events, as well as the scope of the zone of intervention for fire scenarios in order to prevent the domino effect, and also provided essential information for the management of the risks of the installation, and decision-making in the planning stage of the coordinated actions that must be carried out for the attention to possible emergencies analyzed for LPG operations.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Química
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Textil
Grade or title: Ingeniero Químico
Juror: Franco Portilla, Luz Rosario; Vivas Cuellar, Magali Camila
Register date: 12-Jan-2024
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