Bibliographic citations
Paipay, J., (2023). Implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad para mejorar la competitividad en la empresa de puentes modulares en Ancash [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Paipay, J., Implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad para mejorar la competitividad en la empresa de puentes modulares en Ancash [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad para mejorar la competitividad en la empresa de puentes modulares en Ancash",
author = "Paipay Casas, Jéssica Etelvina",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The present study is carried out from the idea of implementing a quality management system to improve competitiveness in the company dedicated to the installation of modular bridges, in such a way that it allows to improve the development of this type of projects and thus Satisfy customer and community requirements. The first chapter presents the generalities with which the main problem is addressed with the following question: ¿What are the causes that limit the implementation of a quality management system in the modular bridge company in Ancash to improve its business competitiveness? with the objective of implementing a quality management system to improve business competitiveness in the modular bridge contractor company in Ancash. The hypothesis: implementation of a quality control management system to improve business competitiveness in the modular bridge contractor company in Ancash. The type of research is applied, with a non-experimental design, of a longitudinal nature. The population is made up of 100% of the personnel who work in the Ancash modular bridge company. The sample is census. The instruments applied were the checklist and the competitiveness matrix, which were validated by an expert judge. In the second chapter, the antecedents that are evidence of other studies are identified, the theoretical bases are described, where the concepts of ISO, ISO 9001:2015, quality management system, structure of the standard, competitiveness, factors of competitiveness, competitive advantage, quality and competitiveness, and the conceptual framework made up of a metal structure, modular bridge company, modular bridges, investment project, selection procedure limits, PDCA cycle, value creation, value chain, is framed. ISO 37001, NTP 37001. In the third chapter, the diagnosis was made, identifying the root causes of the main problems, as well as the strengths and weaknesses based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard. In the fourth chapter, the implementation proposal is presented based on the results obtained from the preliminary diagnosis. In the fifth chapter, the implementation of the quality management system is carried out based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard. In the sixth chapter, the results achieved in improving competitiveness after the implementation of the proposed quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 are presented. The conclusion that was drawn was that the level of competitiveness presented 54%, managing to improve its business competitiveness compared to the initial diagnosis in the modular bridge company.
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