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Lopez, J., (2023). Planeamiento y control de la construcción de Puente Freyre en Arequipa [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Lopez, J., Planeamiento y control de la construcción de Puente Freyre en Arequipa [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Planeamiento y control de la construcción de Puente Freyre en Arequipa",
author = "Lopez Obregon, Juan Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Title: Planeamiento y control de la construcción de Puente Freyre en Arequipa
Authors(s): Lopez Obregon, Juan Carlos
Advisor(s): Tacza Zevallos, John Nelinho
Keywords: Puentes; Diseño y construcción; Control de costos; Proyectos de construcción; Arequipa (Perú)
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: Este Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional se enfoca en el planeamiento y control en la construcción del Puente Freyre, proyecto ejecutado por el Consorcio Puentes para el Perú. Este documento tiene como objetivo compartir la metodología y las herramientas empleadas por el contratista para la gestión del cronograma y gestión de los costos del proyecto, desde una etapa previa a la ejecución hasta su conclusión.
El Capítulo I proporciona una introducción al proyecto, sus antecedentes y la necesidad. El informe de Competitividad elaborado por el Foro Económico Mundial en 2019 califica la calidad de infraestructura vial del país en el puesto 88 de 141 países. El Puente Freyre forma parte de 99 proyectos de transporte, impulsados por el Estado con el PNIC (2019) y el con el objetivo del cierre de brechas. Además, la Contraloría reportó 867 obras paralizadas, el monto ascendía a S/.16,870,855, estando 23 de ellas en Arequipa, un 3% del total.
El Capítulo II desarrolla el marco teórico y conceptual, basado en la gestión de cronogramas y costos según el PMBOK 6ta edición, y enfatiza la consideración de factores como condiciones climáticas, stakeholders e impactos sociales, en la dirección del proyecto. Se profundiza en la metodología Last Planner System, implementando herramientas como plan maestro, lookahead, y el plan semanal con PAC y CNC. Incluye además la aplicación de la herramienta Resultado Operativo. La aplicación en conjunto de esta permitió controlar el proyecto.
El Capítulo III aborda la complejidad técnica de la construcción del proyecto. Informa las características de elementos estructurales del puente, las 8 etapas que lo conformaron: Obras Preliminares, Caissons, Estribos y Pilares, Vigas, Izaje de vigas, Tableros, Accesos y pavimentos, y obras de defensa. La secuencia de construcción fue del margen derecho al izquierdo: estribo derecho, pilar derecho, pilar izquierdo y estribo izquierdo. La superestructura se ejecutó en 3 tramos, y se cambió el procedimiento del izaje de vigas. En total se empleó 5360 m3 de concreto, 343 toneladas de acero, 5720 m3 de enrocado y 262 m3 de asfalto.
En el Capítulo IV se desarrolla el Planeamiento y el Presupuesto Meta del proyecto. El inicio del proyecto se planteó para el 1 de abril de 2019, con un plazo de 270 días, finalizando el 26 de diciembre. Con la secuencia constructiva definida, las Obras Preliminares, Subestructura, Izaje de vigas, Tablero y Accesos conformaban la ruta crítica del proyecto. Respecto al Presupuesto Meta, se aplicó el principio de Pareto, identificando que 24 partidas abarcan el 80% del presupuesto. El análisis se centró en estas partidas, como el Hincado de Caisson, Concretos, Carpeta Asfáltica, entre otros. Resultando un Presupuesto Meta de S/.14,839,595.44, compuesto por S/.10,723.878.30 de Costo Directo y S/.4,115,717.14 de Gastos Generales. A partir de estos, se fijó un margen de S/.2,721,376.02, equivalente al 15.5%, para el Resultado Operativo Inicial.
El Capítulo V expone los periodos de paralización y complicaciones derivados de los eventos Tía María, periodo de lluvias y pandemia Covid-19. La Entidad aprobó ampliaciones de plazo de 63, 60 y 126 días, respectivamente, trasladando la finalización del proyecto al 31 de agosto de 2020. El saldo de obra (46.27%) del proyecto se replanteo luego de la cuarentena, incluyendo etapas clave como la construcción de las vigas, el tablero, los accesos y obras de defensa. También se aborda el cambio del método constructivo de izaje a lanzamiento de vigas para tramos externos y relleno para el tramo central, estas alternativas lograron recuperar el tiempo perdido y evitaron mayores pérdidas económicas, se registró un margen de S/.6,812.59. Por último, el capítulo detalla el control del avance por medio de reportes OP5, OP2, OP1, PAC y CNC. En total se registraron 374 causas de no cumplimiento; el 47% de éstas provino de Producción (29%) y Planificación (18%), mientras que un 18% correspondió a factores externos, entre otros.
Finalmente, el Capítulo VI presenta el resultado de la gestión de costos del proyecto. Se describe la metodología de gestión, registro y reporte de costos aplicada por la compañía, y se analiza el resultado operativo en tres etapas distintas del proyecto. El impacto de la paralización de Tía María ocasionó que el margen se reduzca de 12.4% a 3.4%. Con la reanudación se logró revertir la situación y en enero del 2020, el margen acumulado se situaba en 5.09%. Sin embargo, las sucesivas paralizaciones por lluvias y por Covid-19 disminuyeron el margen a 1.66% y luego a -2.11% respectivamente, generando sobrecostos por - S/613,084.18 soles. Al retorno de la cuarentena, la reprogramación, el cambio de procedimientos y el control de la ejecución del saldo permitió concluir el proyecto con un margen positivo de S/.184,303.44, que representó el 1.06% del total de ingresos.
La metodología presentada en este trabajo no se restringe a puentes similares. De hecho, su aplicabilidad puede extenderse a proyectos de infraestructura vial.
This document focuses on the Planning and Control of the Freyre Bridge construction, a project executed by the Consorcio Puentes para el Perú. The aim of this document is to share the methodology and tools used by the contractor for the project's schedule and cost management, from a preliminary stage to its conclusion. Chapter I provides an introduction to the project, its background, and the need. The Competitiveness Report prepared by the World Economic Forum in 2019 ranks the quality of the country's road infrastructure in 88th place out of 141 countries. The Freyre Bridge is part of 99 transportation projects, driven by the State through the PNIC (2019) and, aiming to close gaps. Moreover, the Comptroller's Office reported 867 paralyzed works, amounting to S/.16,870,855, with 23 of them in Arequipa, 3% of the total. Chapter II develops the theoretical and conceptual framework, based on the schedule and cost management according to the PMBOK 6th edition, and emphasizes the consideration of factors such as weather conditions, stakeholders, and social impacts, in the project management. It delves into the Last Planner System methodology, implementing tools such as master plan, lookahead, and the weekly plan with PAC and CNC. It also includes the application of the Operating Result tool. The combined use of these allowed the project to be controlled. Chapter III addresses the technical complexity of the project's construction. It details the characteristics of the bridge's structural elements and the eight stages that comprised it: Preliminary Works, Caissons, Abutments and Pillars, Beams, Beam Erection, Deck, Access and Pavements, and Defensive Works. The construction sequence went from the right margin to the left: right abutment, right pillar, left pillar, and left abutment. The superstructure was carried out in three sections, and the procedure of beam erection was altered. In total, 5360 m3 of concrete, 343 tons of steel, 5720 m3 of riprap, and 262 m3 of asphalt were used. Chapter IV develops the Project Planning and the Target Budget. The project initiation was planned for April 1, 2019, with a timeline of 270 days, concluding on December 26. With the defined construction sequence, Preliminary Works, Substructure, Beam Erection, Deck, and Access formed the critical path of the project. Regarding the Target Budget, the Pareto principle was applied, identifying that 24 items cover 80% of the budget. The analysis was focused on these items, such as Caisson Driving, Concretes, Asphalt Layer, among others. As a result, a Target Budget of S/.14,839,595.44 was established, composed of S/.10,723.878.30 Direct Costs and S/.4,115,717.14 Overhead Costs. From these, a margin of S/.2,721,376.02, equivalent to 15.5%, was set for the Initial Operating Result. Chapter V outlines the periods of stoppage and complications stemming from the Tía María events, the rainy season, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The Entity approved deadline extensions of 63, 60, and 126 days, respectively, shifting the project's completion to August 31, 2020. The work balance (46.27%) of the project was replanned after the quarantine, including key stages such as the construction of the beams, deck, accesses, and defense works. The chapter also discusses the change in the construction method from beam lifting to beam launching for outer sections and filling for the central section; these alternatives managed to recover the lost time and prevent further economic losses, recording a margin of S/.6,812.59. Lastly, the chapter details progress control through OP5, OP2, OP1, PAC, and CNC reports. In total, 374 causes of non-compliance were recorded; 47% of these came from Production (29%) and Planning (18%), while 18% corresponded to external factors, among others. Finally, Chapter VI presents the result of the project's cost management. It describes the company's cost management, recording, and reporting methodology and analyzes the operating result at three different stages of the project. The impact of the Tía María stoppage caused the margin to decrease from 12.4% to 3.4%. With the resumption, the situation was reversed, and in January 2020, the accumulated margin stood at 5.09%. However, successive stoppages due to rains and Covid-19 decreased the margin to 1.66% and then to -2.11%, respectively, generating cost overruns of -S/613,084.18 soles. Upon returning from quarantine, the rescheduling, procedure changes, and control of the execution of the remaining work allowed the project to conclude with a positive margin of S/.184,303.44, representing 1.06% of total revenue. The methodology presented in this work is not restricted to similar bridges. In fact, its applicability can be extended to road infrastructure projects.
This document focuses on the Planning and Control of the Freyre Bridge construction, a project executed by the Consorcio Puentes para el Perú. The aim of this document is to share the methodology and tools used by the contractor for the project's schedule and cost management, from a preliminary stage to its conclusion. Chapter I provides an introduction to the project, its background, and the need. The Competitiveness Report prepared by the World Economic Forum in 2019 ranks the quality of the country's road infrastructure in 88th place out of 141 countries. The Freyre Bridge is part of 99 transportation projects, driven by the State through the PNIC (2019) and, aiming to close gaps. Moreover, the Comptroller's Office reported 867 paralyzed works, amounting to S/.16,870,855, with 23 of them in Arequipa, 3% of the total. Chapter II develops the theoretical and conceptual framework, based on the schedule and cost management according to the PMBOK 6th edition, and emphasizes the consideration of factors such as weather conditions, stakeholders, and social impacts, in the project management. It delves into the Last Planner System methodology, implementing tools such as master plan, lookahead, and the weekly plan with PAC and CNC. It also includes the application of the Operating Result tool. The combined use of these allowed the project to be controlled. Chapter III addresses the technical complexity of the project's construction. It details the characteristics of the bridge's structural elements and the eight stages that comprised it: Preliminary Works, Caissons, Abutments and Pillars, Beams, Beam Erection, Deck, Access and Pavements, and Defensive Works. The construction sequence went from the right margin to the left: right abutment, right pillar, left pillar, and left abutment. The superstructure was carried out in three sections, and the procedure of beam erection was altered. In total, 5360 m3 of concrete, 343 tons of steel, 5720 m3 of riprap, and 262 m3 of asphalt were used. Chapter IV develops the Project Planning and the Target Budget. The project initiation was planned for April 1, 2019, with a timeline of 270 days, concluding on December 26. With the defined construction sequence, Preliminary Works, Substructure, Beam Erection, Deck, and Access formed the critical path of the project. Regarding the Target Budget, the Pareto principle was applied, identifying that 24 items cover 80% of the budget. The analysis was focused on these items, such as Caisson Driving, Concretes, Asphalt Layer, among others. As a result, a Target Budget of S/.14,839,595.44 was established, composed of S/.10,723.878.30 Direct Costs and S/.4,115,717.14 Overhead Costs. From these, a margin of S/.2,721,376.02, equivalent to 15.5%, was set for the Initial Operating Result. Chapter V outlines the periods of stoppage and complications stemming from the Tía María events, the rainy season, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The Entity approved deadline extensions of 63, 60, and 126 days, respectively, shifting the project's completion to August 31, 2020. The work balance (46.27%) of the project was replanned after the quarantine, including key stages such as the construction of the beams, deck, accesses, and defense works. The chapter also discusses the change in the construction method from beam lifting to beam launching for outer sections and filling for the central section; these alternatives managed to recover the lost time and prevent further economic losses, recording a margin of S/.6,812.59. Lastly, the chapter details progress control through OP5, OP2, OP1, PAC, and CNC reports. In total, 374 causes of non-compliance were recorded; 47% of these came from Production (29%) and Planning (18%), while 18% corresponded to external factors, among others. Finally, Chapter VI presents the result of the project's cost management. It describes the company's cost management, recording, and reporting methodology and analyzes the operating result at three different stages of the project. The impact of the Tía María stoppage caused the margin to decrease from 12.4% to 3.4%. With the resumption, the situation was reversed, and in January 2020, the accumulated margin stood at 5.09%. However, successive stoppages due to rains and Covid-19 decreased the margin to 1.66% and then to -2.11%, respectively, generating cost overruns of -S/613,084.18 soles. Upon returning from quarantine, the rescheduling, procedure changes, and control of the execution of the remaining work allowed the project to conclude with a positive margin of S/.184,303.44, representing 1.06% of total revenue. The methodology presented in this work is not restricted to similar bridges. In fact, its applicability can be extended to road infrastructure projects.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Juror: Colonio García, Luis Alfredo; Matías León, José Carlos
Register date: 29-Feb-2024
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