Bibliographic citations
Pastor, J., (2023). Análisis de los efectos electromagnéticos para el dimensionamiento del cruce de líneas de transmisión de 220 Kv y 500 Kv [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Pastor, J., Análisis de los efectos electromagnéticos para el dimensionamiento del cruce de líneas de transmisión de 220 Kv y 500 Kv [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Análisis de los efectos electromagnéticos para el dimensionamiento del cruce de líneas de transmisión de 220 Kv y 500 Kv",
author = "Pastor Escobar, Juan Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The procedure for sizing the crossing of transmission lines begins with the simulation of the existing 500 kV transmission line L-5033 Poroma - Yarabamba, between structures E-585 and E-587, considering the most critical operating conditions. The distances to the projected 220 kV transmission line Solimana - Ocoña are specified, i.e., between the conductors and guard cables that will pass underneath the existing line. It is important to highlight that the topography in the crossing area presents elevation differences in both transversal and longitudinal directions. Then, the electromagnetic effects at the common critical points of both transmission lines on the ground are evaluated, considering various phase sequences in the projected line to show the influence of their selection. As a result, the main electromagnetic effect is the electric field since it directly affects the vertical separation between conductors and the ground. This effect is sensitive due to the superposition of fields produced in conjunction with the existing 500 kV transmission line. Additionally, induced voltages are evaluated when the 220 kV line is de-energized, and the influence of the crossing angle is demonstrated. In summary, the electric field generated at the intersection points of rights-of-way in the crossing area defines the phase sequence of the projected line. Consequently, the rest of the line must adhere to this restriction.
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