Bibliographic citations
Saldaña, C., (2023). Aplicación del método de cadena crítica en la programación de obras para mejorar la productividad en proyectos de saneamiento [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Saldaña, C., Aplicación del método de cadena crítica en la programación de obras para mejorar la productividad en proyectos de saneamiento [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Aplicación del método de cadena crítica en la programación de obras para mejorar la productividad en proyectos de saneamiento",
author = "Saldaña Silva, César Ramón",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
In recent years we have seen how the growth of our wine culture has managed to surpass the continent, reaching European countries, an example is pisco, a representative drink of our country whose success has managed to promote the technological development of the main wine- producing regions. , this with the help of the state through its network of cites, which allows connecting technological development with the producers themselves, managing to improve their economy, thus we find successful examples of cites vine in Piura and Ica. This is how a cite vine is proposed in Cañete since it is recognized that this province is the third largest vine producer in the country, taking into account that its effect constitutes economic development, through the technological infrastructure and existing wine tourism in the province. , models that have been applied in the international context are taken into account for the development of this typology. The degree project called "Centre for productive innovation and technological transfer of the vine in Cañete (cite vid, Cañete)", proposes a reflection on the way in which a cite vine should be projected, so that it constitutes a new proposal for improving quality in architectural design. Therefore, based on models where the user sees the building as an experience, in such a way that it promotes physical, spatial and visual connections inside and outside the building. Likewise, it explores the potential of the environment so that the design proposal contributes to the improvement of the user experience, contributing to the improvement of the urban, social, economic and productive development of the province.
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