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Jara, F., (2021). Mercados transfronterizos de electricidad: impacto de las políticas unilaterales de suficiencia de oferta [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Jara, F., Mercados transfronterizos de electricidad: impacto de las políticas unilaterales de suficiencia de oferta [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Mercados transfronterizos de electricidad: impacto de las políticas unilaterales de suficiencia de oferta",
author = "Jara Caytuiro, Fabiola",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Title: Mercados transfronterizos de electricidad: impacto de las políticas unilaterales de suficiencia de oferta
Authors(s): Jara Caytuiro, Fabiola
Advisor(s): Luyo Kuong, Jaime Eulogio
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La tendencia internacional y en la región sudamericana hacia formación de un mercado único de electricidad mediante la interconexión progresiva de mercados de países vecinos es el tema actual de investigación para identificar, comprender y resolver los problemas de las diferentes características y políticas energéticas adoptadas en los países. Sin embargo, cada país ha venido aplicando unilateralmente políticas diferenciadas de desarrollo energético y suficiencia de generación que han influenciado el comportamiento del mercado eléctrico interno, por lo que se presenta entonces el reto y la necesidad de estudiar los impactos de estas políticas cuando se acoplan los mercados de electricidad de países fronterizos. En esta tesis se investiga los efectos de la aplicación de éstas políticas unilaterales y aisladas de desarrollo energético, de subsidios a los combustibles, de la variación del precio de los combustibles, de suficiencia de oferta de capacidad de generación en base de fuentes renovables, no- renovables y de nueva tecnología; así como de la ampliación del interconector por los países fronterizos cuando interconectan sus mercados de electricidad, para diferentes escenarios futuros vinculando el corto plazo con el largo plazo. Con los objetivos de determinar si hay complementariedad energética entre los mercados de electricidad acoplados, conocer la evolución de sus matrices eléctricas de oferta y si son sostenibles y el comportamiento de los precios de la electricidad en el mediano y largo plazo.
Se determinó el impacto de los subsidios al precio de los combustibles, de los pagos por capacidad, de la ampliación del interconector, de la implementación de mayor capacidad de centrales hidroeléctricas en el acoplamiento eléctrico de Perú y Ecuador; así mismo, se determinó si existe complementariedad energética entre un país con política de desarrollo de generación termoeléctrica a gas natural y el otro con políticas hacia la implementación de plantas de generación con fuentes renovables no- convencionales y de la incorporación de la tecnología solar térmica de concentración (CSP) para el caso de interconexión eléctrica de Perú y Chile.
Para lo cual se ha implementado un modelo dinámico para sistemas complejos en base de la teoría de Dinámica de Sistemas, en la simulación se emplea el software Vensim en el modelo de expansión de la capacidad; y es retroalimentado con el modelo de despacho y cálculo del VPN realizado en Matlab.
The international trend and in the South American region towards the formation of a single electricity market through the progressive interconnection of markets of neighboring countries is the current topic of research to identify, understand and solve the problems of the different characteristics and energy policies. However, each country has been unilaterally applying differentiated policies of energy development and generation sufficiency that have influenced the behavior of the domestic electricity market, which is why the challenge and the need to study the impacts of these policies are presented when the electricity markets of border countries. This thesis investigates the effects of the application of including unilateral and isolated policies of energy development, fuel subsidies, the variation in the price of fuels, the sufficiency of supply of generation capacity based on renewable sources, non-renewable and new technology; as well as the expansion of the interconnector by the border countries when they interconnect their electricity markets, for different future scenarios linking the short term with the long term. In order to determine if there is energy complementarity between the coupled electricity markets, to know the evolution of their electricity supply matrices and if they are sustainable and the behavior of electricity prices in the medium and long term. The impact of fuel price subsidies, capacity payments, the expansion of the interconnector, the implementation of greater capacity of hydroelectric plants in the electrical coupling of Peru and Ecuador was determined; Likewise, it was determined whether there is energy complementarity between a country with a development policy for thermoelectric generation with natural gas and the other with policies towards the implementation of generation plants with non-conventional renewable sources and the incorporation of concentrated solar power (CSP) technology for the case of electrical interconnection of Peru and Chile. For which a dynamic model has been implemented for complex systems based on the theory of System Dynamics, in the simulation Vensim software is used in the capacity expansion model; and it is fed back with the dispatch and calculation model of the NPV carried out in Matlab.
The international trend and in the South American region towards the formation of a single electricity market through the progressive interconnection of markets of neighboring countries is the current topic of research to identify, understand and solve the problems of the different characteristics and energy policies. However, each country has been unilaterally applying differentiated policies of energy development and generation sufficiency that have influenced the behavior of the domestic electricity market, which is why the challenge and the need to study the impacts of these policies are presented when the electricity markets of border countries. This thesis investigates the effects of the application of including unilateral and isolated policies of energy development, fuel subsidies, the variation in the price of fuels, the sufficiency of supply of generation capacity based on renewable sources, non-renewable and new technology; as well as the expansion of the interconnector by the border countries when they interconnect their electricity markets, for different future scenarios linking the short term with the long term. In order to determine if there is energy complementarity between the coupled electricity markets, to know the evolution of their electricity supply matrices and if they are sustainable and the behavior of electricity prices in the medium and long term. The impact of fuel price subsidies, capacity payments, the expansion of the interconnector, the implementation of greater capacity of hydroelectric plants in the electrical coupling of Peru and Ecuador was determined; Likewise, it was determined whether there is energy complementarity between a country with a development policy for thermoelectric generation with natural gas and the other with policies towards the implementation of generation plants with non-conventional renewable sources and the incorporation of concentrated solar power (CSP) technology for the case of electrical interconnection of Peru and Chile. For which a dynamic model has been implemented for complex systems based on the theory of System Dynamics, in the simulation Vensim software is used in the capacity expansion model; and it is fed back with the dispatch and calculation model of the NPV carried out in Matlab.
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Discipline: Doctorado en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctor en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Juror: Molina Rodríguez, Yuri Percy; López Suárez, Lizett Paola; Gamarra Chinchay, Hugo Eliseo; Piqué Del Pozo, Javier Román
Register date: 6-Dec-2023
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