Bibliographic citations
Cubas, A., (2023). Rediseño del sistema de bombeo de agua para la mejora de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales (PTARI) con un efluente de bocamina de 1200 L/s de caudal de diseño [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cubas, A., Rediseño del sistema de bombeo de agua para la mejora de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales (PTARI) con un efluente de bocamina de 1200 L/s de caudal de diseño [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Rediseño del sistema de bombeo de agua para la mejora de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales (PTARI) con un efluente de bocamina de 1200 L/s de caudal de diseño",
author = "Cubas Masgo, Alvaro Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Wastewater from the mining industry is treated in an industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to achieve water quality with parameters within the Maximum Permissible Limits (MPL) established in current regulations before discharging into a natural water reservoir. In the research, the factors, and consequences of a water discharge from a mine entrance that will be treated in a WWTP and will discharge into a lagoon were analyzed, it was considered the design of a mine residual water pumping system for the improvement of the plant process. The present research is quantitative type with a correlational scope and a transectional non-experimental design. The historical operational data of the flow coming from the mine entrance, the water quality parameters in the discharge of the WWTP and the projected maximum design flow are analyzed to define the input conditions of the design of the residual water pumping system. Based on these conditions, the selection of equipment and components of the pumping systems was made to improve the plant. From the analysis of the water quality through the sub-processes that involve the improvement of the WWTP, it was confirmed that the design of the pumping system has a positive influence on the quality of the treated water.
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