Bibliographic citations
Sifuentes, P., (2023). Interpretación geoquímica de anomalías de metales pesados en aguas superficiales para determinar su relación con las actividades antrópicas en la microcuenca del río Tingo [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Sifuentes, P., Interpretación geoquímica de anomalías de metales pesados en aguas superficiales para determinar su relación con las actividades antrópicas en la microcuenca del río Tingo [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Interpretación geoquímica de anomalías de metales pesados en aguas superficiales para determinar su relación con las actividades antrópicas en la microcuenca del río Tingo",
author = "Sifuentes Amez, Pedro Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research is the analysis of geochemical anomalies of heavy metals in surface water to identify their relationship with anthropogenic activities in the micro-watershed of the Tingo river. For this purpose, a statistical analysis of the geochemical results of surface water sampling and the identification of environmental pressures in the micro-basin were carried out. The micro-watershed of the Tingo river, located in the province of Hualgayoc, department of Cajamarca, which is part of the Llaucano river basin and has the category assigned by the National Water Authority for vegetable irrigation and animal drinking water, shows, according to the monitoring of surface water quality, concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids that exceed the Environmental Quality Standards for Water, which deteriorates its environmental quality and makes it impossible to maintain the uses assigned to this body of water. In this research, the background and Threshold were defined to identify the geochemical anomalies, and it was verified which elements which have Threshold above the ecological threshold, considering these as elements of concern or priority. In addition, Statistical factor analysis was performed by delimiting clusters of elements due to factors or conditions that influence the anomalies of these clusters. of elements. The afore mentioned factors are defined by natural conditions and anthropic activities developed in the micro-watershed. As a result of the research, seven (7) priority elements were identified whose Threshold exceed the ecological threshold represented by the environmental quality standards for water. In addition, three (3) groups of elements were identified that explain the distribution of 94% of the elements analyzed with a cumulative variance adjustment of 80%. The first group gathers twelve (12) elements that are related to mining activity, the second group gathers three (3) elements that are related to natural conditions due to the presence of sedimentary rocks and the third group gathers two (2) elements related to natural conditions due to the presence of igneous rocks.
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