Bibliographic citations
Calderon, E., (2022). Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica de la máquina de taponado utilizado en el corte de flujo de tuberías en servicio para reducir riesgos operacionales [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Calderon, E., Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica de la máquina de taponado utilizado en el corte de flujo de tuberías en servicio para reducir riesgos operacionales [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica de la máquina de taponado utilizado en el corte de flujo de tuberías en servicio para reducir riesgos operacionales",
author = "Calderon Zúñiga, Erik Jorge",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The current research work will carry out the evaluation of the material resistance of a component of the line stop, it is known as flow cut with pipe in service, to ensure the mechanical integrity during its application in the line stop technique. The line stop technique will be applied in a high-pressure pipeline, approximately 60.4 bar, the operating risks associated to application of line stop are cuts due to exposure to high water pressure, death by drowning due to flooding of the area of work and cuts by projection of particles due to the high pressure. To reduce the indicated risks, the resistance materials of components of stopping machine will be evaluated, as input data the mechanical drawings of the components, their mechanical properties and the acting loads are required. The evaluation of the resistance of the material will be carried out through the 3D simulation of the components, the components will be characterized by mechanical properties, the loads due to the high pressure in the pipe will also be simulated and finally the stress analysis will be carried out, to Inventor software will be used for this evaluation, which will evaluate the Von Mises stresses, deformation and safety factors resulting from the simulation.
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