Bibliographic citations
Vilca, C., (2023). Uso de lógica difusa y cronograma ganado para mejorar la estimación del flujo de caja de proyectos en una empresa del sector tecnología [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Vilca, C., Uso de lógica difusa y cronograma ganado para mejorar la estimación del flujo de caja de proyectos en una empresa del sector tecnología [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Uso de lógica difusa y cronograma ganado para mejorar la estimación del flujo de caja de proyectos en una empresa del sector tecnología",
author = "Vilca Gavidia, Celso Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
In the company the term project cash flow encompasses the duration, budget, income flow, expense flows and operating gross margin. In the meetings of management committee, the corporation demands from the operations management that the economic estimates are closer to reality. Because a considerable number of projects finished later than planned and/or economic losses. The operations area staff estimates the cash flow of their projects without analyzing the various unforeseen events that occur during their execution, nor the existing conditions or restrictions in the project's work areas. Instead, they add an empirical margin to the duration estimate and a margin of 3 to 8% on costs. Regarding the monitoring and control of projects, it consists of weekly meetings and no methodology or best practices of project management are used. Therefore the objective of this research is to improve the estimation of project cash flow. A model based on fuzzy logic was designed to estimate the duration, costs, income and expense flows with information collected from experts and the company's internal staff. Likewise, contingency reserves were added to the estimates, which were obtained through a risk analysis with a fuzzy approach. For project monitoring and control, the earned schedule (ES) method was used. Weekly progress was evaluated using fuzzy numbers and easy-to-understand linguistic terms. The designed model was applied to a real project of the company and it was verified that the cash flow estimation model based on fuzzy logic achieved a better estimation of the duration, income flow and expenses compared to the current estimation model. Likewise, the use of the earned schedule method with a fuzzy approach in conjunction with an adequate estimation of the duration improved the profitability of the project. In addition, it has the benefit of adding schedule performance index-SPI(t) and schedule variance-SV(t) to the company's current project monitoring and control.
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