Bibliographic citations
Gonzáles, B., (2022). Implementación de criterios de seguridad funcional para mejorar la confiabilidad de la instrumentación y control en el Lote 57-Camisea [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Gonzáles, B., Implementación de criterios de seguridad funcional para mejorar la confiabilidad de la instrumentación y control en el Lote 57-Camisea [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Implementación de criterios de seguridad funcional para mejorar la confiabilidad de la instrumentación y control en el Lote 57-Camisea",
author = "Gonzáles García, Bernabé",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Currently, the Camisea consortium is the main producer of natural gas and condensate gas in Peru. In the Malvinas Plant, which is in charge of Pluspetrol, the production processing of the various gas fields is done. Block 57 is operated by the Spanish company Repsol and produces multiphase natural gas from the Kinteroni and Sagari fields, transporting it through the Cusco jungle to the Malvinas Plant. Block 57 is located in a remote area, geographically difficult to access, with a tropical climate and in an environmentally very sensitive place. In this plant design, it was considered that the equipment and systems have a functional safety and high reliability, to avoid potential damage to people, communities, the environment, and equipment, as well as a loss in production and corporate image (reputational damage). A key factor to guarantee the reliability of the equipment is the maintenance activities in its different specialties such as: Industrial networks, Control systems, SIS (Safety Instrumented System), Fire and gas systems and Field instrumentation. In order to achieve the production objectives, it is necessary to avoid “high consequence” failures such as unscheduled shutdowns due to the closure of the shut-off valves in the main pipelines, which generates large economic losses for the company. To improve the reliability of the instruments associated with the control of the shut-off valves due to repeated false signal tripping problems, it is proposed to implement a set of functional safety criteria as part of the comprehensive maintenance and Security life cycle in Block 57.
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