Bibliographic citations
Díaz, M., (2022). Síntesis y caracterización estructural del marco de imidazolato zeolítico 67 por el método de Hand Milling [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Díaz, M., Síntesis y caracterización estructural del marco de imidazolato zeolítico 67 por el método de Hand Milling [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Síntesis y caracterización estructural del marco de imidazolato zeolítico 67 por el método de Hand Milling",
author = "Díaz Soriano, Marcelo Nicanor",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
In this work, we described the synthesis process of the polycrystalline zeolitic imidazolte framework 67 (ZIF-67), in which it was used the technique of hand milling and centrifugal washing. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that ZIF-67 possesses a body centred cubic-like crystalline structure with a lattice parameter 17.01 Å. The BET analysis shows the average size of porous in ZIF-67 is 1.6 nm and it has a specific superficial area of 1966.37 m²/g. We studied the filtration through ZIF-67 of a suspension extracted from a soil sample from the tailings zone of the FIGMM-UNI’s pilot plant. The analysis by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) shows the synthesized compound has the average capacity of adsorption of 94% of different elements from the suspension; furthermore, the presence of cobalt in the filtered simple evidences the partially decomposition about ZIF-67 in this process.
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