Bibliographic citations
Córdova, J., (2022). Aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística para la focalización de los centros poblados a intervenir por el programa presupuestal 0118 - Haku Wiñay [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Córdova, J., Aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística para la focalización de los centros poblados a intervenir por el programa presupuestal 0118 - Haku Wiñay [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística para la focalización de los centros poblados a intervenir por el programa presupuestal 0118 - Haku Wiñay",
author = "Córdova Chambi, José Dante",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This paper presents a statistical tool that allows the classification of Peruvian households by poverty level, using as information the ENAHO and National Census 2017 databases of INEI. The objective is to make known the development process of this tool that has been built for Foncodes's Technical Units to use this methodological instrument in the process of targeting populated centers for the implementation of the Program 0118 - Haku Wiñay. This instrument has been developed by the Coordination of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Planning, Budget and Modernization Unit and has made it possible to classify population centers according to their poverty level, which has contributed to improving the targeting process carried out by the Program for the intervention of beneficiary households. This is intended to minimize the gap between the percentage that belong to the program but do not meet the requirements established to participate in the program; and the percentage of the program's target population that meet the requirements established to participate in the program, but do not benefit from it. Targeting is not an easy task, as shown by the fact that no social program in Peru has completely reliable mechanisms for quantifying household income, which would allow for an adequate classification of poverty.
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