Bibliographic citations
Vicuña, C., (2022). Análisis y propuesta de un modelo para evaluar el cumplimiento de regulación primaria de frecuencia [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Vicuña, C., Análisis y propuesta de un modelo para evaluar el cumplimiento de regulación primaria de frecuencia [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis y propuesta de un modelo para evaluar el cumplimiento de regulación primaria de frecuencia",
author = "Vicuña Moya, Christian Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
In this work, a model is proposed to evaluate compliance with primary frequency regulation (RPF), which is carried out by the COES according to Technical Procedure No 21. The proposed model allows the evaluation to be more coherent and realistic, by means of the elaboration of a new diagram model of blocks of the primary frequency regulation system with permanent and transitory stasis. It is proven through the literature that said model has validity, an example case is touched to describe the model and the obtaining of the results; in addition, it is shown that as a result of the Agents' request for the reconsideration of the RPF evaluation calculations, there is already a new COES procedure that has been in force since January 2021. Using the proposed model, satisfactory compliance results are obtained, which are shown. The formulas used in a spreadsheet created for the purpose of this work are also detailed. Images of the block diagrams and simulations of the SCILAB software are shown.
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