Bibliographic citations
Ramos, D., (2022). Diseño y análisis de la calidad en la tubería de conexión entre la estación de servicio "La Reserva" y el ducto principal de CALIDDA [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramos, D., Diseño y análisis de la calidad en la tubería de conexión entre la estación de servicio "La Reserva" y el ducto principal de CALIDDA [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Diseño y análisis de la calidad en la tubería de conexión entre la estación de servicio "La Reserva" y el ducto principal de CALIDDA",
author = "Ramos Loayza, David",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This Professional Sufficiency Work develops the design and quality analysis of a connection system between the “La Reserva” service station and the main natural gas supply pipeline of CALIDDA, in charge of the NAGASCO company. The “La Reserva” service station is an industrial client located in auxiliary avenue Nestor Gambeta Km. 14.5 with a consumption of 184113 Sm3/month for the supply of vehicular natural gas. The station is located about thirteen meters from the main pipeline and, to conduct its connection, it is necessary to enable the branch by means of a hot joint (also known as HOT TAP). The design consists of consists of performing the HOT TAP on a 14 in diameter pipe, installing a 14 in x 3 in casing with a 3 in valve and then continuing with a 3 in pipe until reaching the service valve (3 in diameter) in the chamber and finally ending in a 3 in cap in front of the “La Reserva” service station. This branch must meet all the quality standards required by the distribution company CALIDDA and current Peruvian regulations, among them, all welded joints were inspected visually and through non-destructive testing techniques, destructive hermeticity tests, inspection in the preparation of the coating of the entire manufacturing of the connection pipe inspection of the coating to detect discontinuities cathodic protection etc. The professional sufficiency work seeks to describe the design methodology and the quality test to which the main branch was subjected, and then verify that all quality standard tests in the connection were met.
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