Bibliographic citations
Loyola, I., (2022). Desarrollo de un análisis cuantitativo de riesgos en una planta de producción de hidrógeno instalada dentro de una refinería [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Loyola, I., Desarrollo de un análisis cuantitativo de riesgos en una planta de producción de hidrógeno instalada dentro de una refinería [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Desarrollo de un análisis cuantitativo de riesgos en una planta de producción de hidrógeno instalada dentro de una refinería",
author = "Loyola Cruces, Iams Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The oil industry is evolving over time. This evolution is evidenced in technical, process or technological improvements, which help to optimize resources and reduce costs. These improvements, in addition, make it possible to obtain fuels with less pollutants and, therefore, less impact on the environment. Among the many improvements is the reduction of sulfur content in liquid fuels. To carry out this process it is necessary to have hydrogen obtained from a Hydrogen Production Plant. However, the installation of new elements in an industrial environment introduces risks not considered in the original design, that is why it is proposed to perform a Quantitative Risk Analysis of the Hydrogen Production Plant to be implemented in the UNICORP Refinery, to determine the level of risk of this improvement in its processes. The Quantitative Risk Analysis allows to determine the risk levels produced by the scenarios that may occur in the Hydrogen Production Plant, and subsequently, to compare these levels with the corporate acceptability criteria of the UNICORP Refinery. The results of the Quantitative Risk Analysis show that the Individual Risk of the Hydrogen Production Plant is "Tolerable" according to the acceptability criteria of the UNICORP Refinery. And that the Social Risk for the external population is null, since in no case is the external population affected by the initiating events. It is suggested that the results of this study be integrated into a comprehensive Quantitative Risk Analysis of the UNICORP Refinery and that the internal and external Individual and Social Risk be reevaluated, to consider the risks of the various units installed in the UNICORP Refinery.
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