Citas bibligráficas
Erique, J., (2022). Análisis de la metodología de trabajo basado en la guía PMBOK para reducir los tiempos de construcción de 2 tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Erique, J., Análisis de la metodología de trabajo basado en la guía PMBOK para reducir los tiempos de construcción de 2 tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis de la metodología de trabajo basado en la guía PMBOK para reducir los tiempos de construcción de 2 tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos",
author = "Erique Flores, Jorge Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This work proposes to encourage enterprises from hydrocarbon sector to improve their execution times during the construction of two Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks, through the application of the work methodology, which is based on Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK – 6th Edition) of the Project Management Institute (PMI). In this work, the field data were obtained using the technique of observing the activities carried out in loco using the progress control format. With that, relevant information is detected to define the corrective and/or preventive measures, thereby reducing the execution times of the construction of the two Storage Tanks considered in the schedule baseline approved by the client. From the Progress Control Formats (PCF), expenses reported by the SIDIGE Platform of the company's logistics area, and costs of operational personnel and project team, Tables and Graphs were generated with respect to: Physical Progress Curve, S-curve of Costs, Graph Indicator of Earned Value Management (EVM) – SPI; to carry out the Monitoring and Control of the Project. The Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is used to estimate the control of schedule baseline during the life cycle of the project. The results of SPI between 0.94 and 1.23 shows that the monitoring of the execution times of the activities with respect to the expected times in the schedule baseline were correctly controlled. In the project, 43 calendar days were approved due to the extension of deadlines (approved by the client) for additional work due to stoppages due to the arrival of ships; personnel affected by COVID-19, which affected the critical path of the schedule baseline. Taking this into account, the total project duration was 346 calendar days. It is important to highlight that with the application of the proposed method, the project was completed in 294 calendar days, with a reduction of 15% of the schedule time, which represents 62 calendar days in advance with respect to the schedule baseline. Moreover, the project was completed with savings of 238,963.77 USD (a reduction of 19% of the total project budget). All improvements were achieved due to the continuous monitoring and control of the project, and with the execution of corrective and/or preventive measures to avoid negative impacts on the project, and to align the times foreseen to the Schedule baseline.
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