Bibliographic citations
Condori, F., Caballa, I. (2022). Evaluación económica y rentabilidad social en las áreas de conservación privada en la costa norte del Perú: caso Chaparrí [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Condori, F., Caballa, I. Evaluación económica y rentabilidad social en las áreas de conservación privada en la costa norte del Perú: caso Chaparrí [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Evaluación económica y rentabilidad social en las áreas de conservación privada en la costa norte del Perú: caso Chaparrí",
author = "Caballa Huayhuas, Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This study will show the operational and economic management reality presented by the different private conservation areas (ACP), taking the regions north of Perú, from which a specific case study wil1 be taken, such as the case of the ACP Chaparrí, which is the first to be recognized and one of the largest in Perú. This document seeks to know. show and evaluate the model and level of income that ACP Chaparrí manages. in the same way its structure of costs and operating expenses in which they have to incur in order to operate. In the same way, the level of investment that has been required to launch said ACP has been considered, and to be able to meet its objectives at the level of species conservation, preservation of eco-environmental spaces and others to which it is obliged according to the master plan presented to the National Service of Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP). For this, the applied research methodology has been used, with a mixed approach, nonexperimental design and with the case study method. 4 interviews have been carried out with specialists and a survey applied to obtain information related to the visitors profile them willingness to pay, their preferences, among other relevant aspects. As a value proposition an economic evaluation model is presented that allows considering the income and expenses that the ACPs may generate, including templates that can be used and will allow obtaining profitability indicators. A marketing plan is also proposed that allows ACP Chaparrí to increase its positioning, its demand and its income in order to be sustainable over time. These activities will also be detailed and paid for.
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