Bibliographic citations
Huachaca, R., (2022). Desarrollo de un sistema de telemetría basado en microcontrolador y con tecnología GPS/LTE para mejorar la supervisión de las torres de iluminación móviles en la mina Yanacocha [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Huachaca, R., Desarrollo de un sistema de telemetría basado en microcontrolador y con tecnología GPS/LTE para mejorar la supervisión de las torres de iluminación móviles en la mina Yanacocha [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Desarrollo de un sistema de telemetría basado en microcontrolador y con tecnología GPS/LTE para mejorar la supervisión de las torres de iluminación móviles en la mina Yanacocha",
author = "Huachaca Mejía, Raúl William",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Today there are many companies that have seen telemetry as a great opportunity to improve their processes, increase profits and productivity, and therefore be more competitive. A clear example of improvement with telemetry is the supervision of the mobile light towers at the Yanacocha mine. It is for this reason that the present work deals with the development of a telemetry system based on microcontroller and GPS / LTE technology (Global Positioning System / Long Term Evolution). The objectives of this project are: obtain the location of the mobile lighting towers, measure the hours worked, sensing the tank level, remotely turn the machine on and off, and finally send all this data to a server using the LTE network. To achieve the design of this system, firmware (programming of the microcontroller in C language) and hardware have been developed. Finally, the system has been installed in a mobile lighting tower, and then this machine has worked in the mine for a period of 4 months, and the respective conclusions and improvements will be raised from these tests.
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