Bibliographic citations
Chávez, C., (2022). Balance y reconciliación de inventarios en tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Chávez, C., Balance y reconciliación de inventarios en tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Balance y reconciliación de inventarios en tanques de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos",
author = "Chávez Silva, Cristian Alexánder",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The variations associated to hydrocarbon storage, represent important economic losses to Conchán Refinery, PETROPERU S.A. Company that as part of its strategic objectives, establishes maximum percentage tolerance limits for variations in the storage of hydrocarbons in each of its operating headquarters, which were set at +/-0.6% until 2019. Towards the beginning of 2020 to mid-2021, these limits had a readjustment, settling at +/-0.2%, which meant a challenge in terms of methodology and an accuracy improvement of identifying factors that generate these variations. The variations associated with the Diesel storage tanks have a considerable influence on the final result, because it is the main product sold by the Conchán Refinery. The methodology improvement used in the analysis corresponding to the preparation of the volumetric balances in Diesel storage tanks at the Conchán Refinery for the year 2021, based on the uncertainties minimization and the use of the VM-PA and VM-RCP software developed by Yokogawa, allowed that 94% of the differences found to be within tolerance ranges, finding the main factors that contribute to the variations, which are associated to the high rate of relatively low transfer flows on the smaller capacity storage tanks. Based on the methodology used and the use of these computer tools, the variation calculated for the year 2021 was -0.0673%, complying with the new established limit of -0.2% which, in consequence, considering the price of Diesel sales until July 2022, represented an average annual savings of $498,840 equivalent to S/ 1,895,592 due to reduction of variations compared to the years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
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