Bibliographic citations
Astocondor, A., (2021). Estudio para el control de dispersión de material particulado en suspensión - Planta de filtrado de concentrado de zinc [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Astocondor, A., Estudio para el control de dispersión de material particulado en suspensión - Planta de filtrado de concentrado de zinc [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Estudio para el control de dispersión de material particulado en suspensión - Planta de filtrado de concentrado de zinc",
author = "Astocondor Fuertes, Adan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
An analysis was carried out of the meteorological information and of the data collected, in field measurements, of the concentrations of the suspended particles (particulate matter), coming from the filtering, storage and movement of the concentrate within the Filtering Plant. To estimate the dispersion of fugitive particulate matter, the AERMOD air quality model was used. This model is based on mathematical formulas that describe the behavior of the emission taking into consideration the air speed, height, humidity, temperature and pressure. The modeling of the measured parameters generated pollutant dispersion maps, which showed the receptor points with the greatest influence of pollution. Several meteorological stations were used to measure the meteorological parameters, such as wind direction and speed, global radiation, temperature, percentage of relative humidity, precipitation and atmospheric pressure. With the scatter diagrams, estimates were made of the places with the greatest influence on the part of the pollutants expelled by the activities in the Filtering Plant area that could generate the following type of emissions: - Material (concentrate) handling (front end loader); and - Wind action (potential “wind erosion” in the concentrate tracking spaces). and a study was carried out obtaining the results of the modeling are presented in the following graphs considering an operating scenario based on the highest production data from 2014 and a projected operating scenario with the implementation of the live fence. Likewise, the concentrations obtained consider a period of 24 hours and a year. In the study area there is no contamination because the Zinc Concentrate Filtration Plant is not in operation.
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