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Álvarez, S., (2022). Estrategias de diseño bioclimático en la arquitectura residencial colonial limeña [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Álvarez, S., Estrategias de diseño bioclimático en la arquitectura residencial colonial limeña [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Estrategias de diseño bioclimático en la arquitectura residencial colonial limeña",
author = "Álvarez Ortega, Syra Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Title: Estrategias de diseño bioclimático en la arquitectura residencial colonial limeña
Authors(s): Álvarez Ortega, Syra Patricia
Advisor(s): Gómez León, Mónica Marcela
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La presente investigación estudia y analiza las estrategias bioclimáticas presentes en la arquitectura doméstica colonial limeña. Se busca conocer dichas estrategias con el fin de evaluar sus posibles aplicaciones en diseños contemporáneos.
Se estudia el comportamiento del clima en tres edificaciones como la Casa De Aliaga, la Casa Pilatos, el Palacio Torre Tagle. Se seleccionaron algunos espacios exteriores, intermedios e interiores en estas edificaciones para realizar las mediciones de temperatura, humedad y velocidad de aire en cuatro días de meses cálidos y cuatro días de meses fríos. Esta información es contrastada con la información del SENAMHI del tiempo atmosférico de estos días para conocer el comportamiento de los ambientes seleccionados. Para este análisis se ha trabajado con el diagrama psicrométrico de Givoni. Además de esta información ha sido necesario recolectar y construir información gráfica de las edificaciones, así como información sobre el clima de Lima en siglos anteriores cuando se construyeron estas viviendas.
Los resultados del análisis muestran el comportamiento de las edificaciones en meses fríos y cálidos, así como las estrategias de diseño que contribuyen a alcanzar confort. Acá nos referimos a la organización misma de la casa en torno a patios, las estrategias de ventilación como ventilación cruzada, captación de aire a través de teatinas o chimenea de viento.
Finalmente, se arriba a establecer algunos elementos que pueden rescatarse y reinterpretarse para ser utilizados en edificaciones contemporáneas.
This research studies and analyzes the bioclimatic strategies present in domestic colonial architecture in Lima, with the goal of evaluating their possible applications in contemporary designs. We studied the climate in three buildings: Casa De Aliaga, Casa Pilatos and Torre Tagle Palace. In these buildings, open, intermediate, and indoor spaces were selected for climate measurements including temperature, humidity and air speed. Measurements were taken on four days of warm months and four days of cold months. This data was contrasted with SENAMHI weather information from those days to evaluate the climate’s behavior in the different spaces selected. A Givoni psychometric diagram was used to plot results by room. In addition to this information, it has been necessary to collect and draw graphic information of the buildings, as well as climate data of Lima in previous centuries when these houses were built. The results of the analysis show the behavior of the buildings in cold and warm months, as well as the design strategies that contributed to achieving comfort. These strategies include the organization of the house around patios, ventilation strategies such as cross ventilation, air intake through teatinas and wind chimneys. Finally, we establish elements that can be rescued and reinterpreted to be used in contemporary buildings.
This research studies and analyzes the bioclimatic strategies present in domestic colonial architecture in Lima, with the goal of evaluating their possible applications in contemporary designs. We studied the climate in three buildings: Casa De Aliaga, Casa Pilatos and Torre Tagle Palace. In these buildings, open, intermediate, and indoor spaces were selected for climate measurements including temperature, humidity and air speed. Measurements were taken on four days of warm months and four days of cold months. This data was contrasted with SENAMHI weather information from those days to evaluate the climate’s behavior in the different spaces selected. A Givoni psychometric diagram was used to plot results by room. In addition to this information, it has been necessary to collect and draw graphic information of the buildings, as well as climate data of Lima in previous centuries when these houses were built. The results of the analysis show the behavior of the buildings in cold and warm months, as well as the design strategies that contributed to achieving comfort. These strategies include the organization of the house around patios, ventilation strategies such as cross ventilation, air intake through teatinas and wind chimneys. Finally, we establish elements that can be rescued and reinterpreted to be used in contemporary buildings.
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Discipline: Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ciencias. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Ciencias con Mención en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética
Juror: Valderrama Negrón, Ana Cecilia; Ochoa Jiménez, Rosendo; Horn Mutschler, Manfred Josef; Molina Fuertes, Juan Omar
Register date: 16-Dec-2022
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