Bibliographic citations
Lu, J., (2022). Modelo estratégico de negocio socioeconómico de referencia, para incrementar la competitividad, desarrollando sosteniblemente la Amazonía [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Lu, J., Modelo estratégico de negocio socioeconómico de referencia, para incrementar la competitividad, desarrollando sosteniblemente la Amazonía [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Modelo estratégico de negocio socioeconómico de referencia, para incrementar la competitividad, desarrollando sosteniblemente la Amazonía",
author = "Lu Chang Say, Julio Edgardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This master's thesis exposes an opportunity to take advantage of potentialities and problems, to develop skills and competencies, as well as learn to sustainably use the great resources that Perú has. The research required the integration of various tools, for which the Conceptual and Logical Framework was previously defined to set the purpose, Objectives and Results to Achieve a Reference Strategic Socioeconomic Business Model (SSBM), with CANVAS, QFD (Functional Deployment of Quality) and CUPA (Count, Understand, Plan and Act) Management Cycle, Maximize the Hunt the of Value and Benefits, by crossing and evaluating the What's? requirements, with the How's? of technical proposals, of all the key and critical components and factors, to set the Business Model, also applying innovation Life Cycle and Checkland to Analyze contexts in the time and identify the main interest groups, their worldviews, structured and unstructured situations, potentialities and environmental limitations. In addition, BSC to balance the strategic perspectives Planet, Person, Processes and Products. TPS, Lean and Toe, for continuous improvement of the value chain of processes, products, services, businesses and innovations. By adapting Throughput Accounting and reviewing the Concepts of Marginal Performance, Marginal Benefits, and Consumption or Marginal lnvestment, a Quantitative method has been exposed, which allows direct measurement and comparison of the Competitiveness and Productivity of all Processes, through a Marginal Return lndex. Thus, quantifying the Value and Benefits, of the Marginal Consumption of Resources, Maximizing the Marginal Benefit of Consuming Natural Resources, also Minimizing the Drainage with Negative lmpacts to the Planet. lt should be noted that all calculation models based on costs, to maximize profits, end's maximizing natural resources consumption, whose cost tends to "O", such as Air and Water, generate waste and negative impact on the environment and planet. Adopting Referential SSBM will increase the competitiveness to sustainably develop of society and the forest, creating value and benefits for all, together with the companies and institutions related to it. As a result, Peruvians and planet will be Benefit.
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