Bibliographic citations
Calvay, F., (2022). Implementación del modelo constitutivo elastoplástico en el análisis de respuesta del suelo en cimentaciones superficiales [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Calvay, F., Implementación del modelo constitutivo elastoplástico en el análisis de respuesta del suelo en cimentaciones superficiales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Implementación del modelo constitutivo elastoplástico en el análisis de respuesta del suelo en cimentaciones superficiales",
author = "Calvay Pinedo, Franz Kevin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Geotechnical engineering has conducted studies of geotechnical materials in order to predict the stress-strain behavior through a mathematical formulation, known as Constitutive Model. This formulation tries to be complex enough to represent the basic conditions that the soil is subjected to, at the same time, simples to be used objectively in practical engineering. The implementation of a constitutive model takes time because of extensive formulations, so it is sometimes unfeasible to carry it out. However, its execution allows the researcher makes various geotechnical analyses. Finite element programs like ABAQUS present limited constitutive models but allow the user to implement them by using the UMAT subroutine. This research presents the concepts used in the implementation of the Lade-Kim elastoplastic constitutive model in the finite element program ABAQUS. Concepts of plasticity theory, development of the equations which define the constitutive model, and its implementation with the subroutine are developed. The implementation is validated with drained triaxial compression tests and commercial programs. Finally, it is modeled a soil subjected to a load of a superficial foundation. The results obtained from the shallow foundation model are consistent and validate the implementation in axisymmetric and three-dimensional conditions. Last but not least, this research is not limited only to the use of a constitutive model but leaves base to carry out the implementation of other models, it also provides concepts for the programming of subroutines in the ABAQUS program.
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