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Briceño, J., (2021). Estudio numérico y experimental de un disipador de energía de fluido viscoso [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Briceño, J., Estudio numérico y experimental de un disipador de energía de fluido viscoso [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Estudio numérico y experimental de un disipador de energía de fluido viscoso",
author = "Briceño Vargas, Javier Edwin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio numérico y experimental de un disipador de energía de fluido viscoso
Authors(s): Briceño Vargas, Javier Edwin
Advisor(s): Torres Matos, Miguel Ángel
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: En las últimas décadas, en otros países, los diseños convencionales de una edificación se han complementado con sistemas pasivos de protección sísmica, los cuales modifican las características dinámicas de la estructura, controlando su deformación o disipando gran parte de la energía impuesta por el sismo. La efectividad y eficiencia de estos sistemas de protección sísmica dependen del tipo de dispositivo, de la capacidad que poseen y de su ubicación en la estructura.
Los disipadores de energía de fluido viscoso, también conocidos como amortiguadores de fluido viscoso o amortiguadores sísmicos, son dispositivos pasivos de disipación de energía dependientes de la velocidad, donde la fuerza medida está fuera de fase con respecto al desplazamiento. Su función principal es amortiguar el movimiento relativo entre los puntos de la estructura donde se conecta.
Esta investigación se orientó al estudio numérico y experimental de un disipador de energía de fluido viscoso, con el propósito de evaluar su comportamiento mecánico. Para ello, se realizaron modelos numéricos alternativos que solo considero la dinámica de fluidos para un flujo compresible e incompresible y modelos numéricos completos que considero la dinámica de fluidos y la termodinámica para un flujo incompresible. Luego se fabricó un prototipo de disipador de energía de fluido viscoso a escala real y se ensayó a cargas cíclicas dinámicas en el laboratorio de estructuras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).
El prototipo de disipador de energía de fluido viscoso, presentó un comportamiento no lineal y viscoelástico, donde la histéresis de fuerza-velocidad se debió a la compresibilidad del fluido, y que esta a su vez es la responsable del efecto de rigidez o de fuerza restauradora. La misma que se hace mas importante, a medida que aumenta la frecuencia de operación.
El prototipo de disipador de energía de fluido viscoso, exhibió un incremento de la presión por expansión térmica del fluido, originado por el aumento de la temperatura del fluido, debido a la fricción entre las partículas del fluido en movimiento.
In last decades, in other countries, designs conventional of a building have been complemented with passive systems seismic protection, the which modify the dynamic characteristics of the structure, controlling its deformation or dissipating a large part of the energy imposed by the earthquake. The effectiveness and efficiency of these seismic protection systems depend on the type of device, of the capacity they posses and their location in the structure. Viscous fluid energy dissipator, also known as viscous fluid dampers or seismic dampers, are passive devices velocity dependent energy dissipation, where the measured force is out of phase with respect to the displacement. Its main function is to damp the relative movement between the points of the structure where it is connected. This research was oriented to the numerical and experimental study of a viscous fluid energy dissipator, with the purpose of evaluating its mechanical behavior. For this, alternative numerical models were carried out that only considered the fluid dynamics for a compressible and incompressible flow and complete numerical models that considered the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics for an incompressible flow. A real scale viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype was then manufactured and tested at dynamic cyclic loads in the structures laboratory of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype, presented a non linear and viscoelastic behavior, where the of force-velocity hysteresis was due to the compressibility of the fluid, and that this in turn is the responsible for the stiffness effect or the of restoring force. The same one that is done more important, as the frequency of operation increases. The viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype exhibited an increment of the pressure by thermal expansion of the fluid, originated by the increase in fluid temperature, due to friction between the moving fluid particles.
In last decades, in other countries, designs conventional of a building have been complemented with passive systems seismic protection, the which modify the dynamic characteristics of the structure, controlling its deformation or dissipating a large part of the energy imposed by the earthquake. The effectiveness and efficiency of these seismic protection systems depend on the type of device, of the capacity they posses and their location in the structure. Viscous fluid energy dissipator, also known as viscous fluid dampers or seismic dampers, are passive devices velocity dependent energy dissipation, where the measured force is out of phase with respect to the displacement. Its main function is to damp the relative movement between the points of the structure where it is connected. This research was oriented to the numerical and experimental study of a viscous fluid energy dissipator, with the purpose of evaluating its mechanical behavior. For this, alternative numerical models were carried out that only considered the fluid dynamics for a compressible and incompressible flow and complete numerical models that considered the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics for an incompressible flow. A real scale viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype was then manufactured and tested at dynamic cyclic loads in the structures laboratory of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype, presented a non linear and viscoelastic behavior, where the of force-velocity hysteresis was due to the compressibility of the fluid, and that this in turn is the responsible for the stiffness effect or the of restoring force. The same one that is done more important, as the frequency of operation increases. The viscous fluid energy dissipator prototype exhibited an increment of the pressure by thermal expansion of the fluid, originated by the increase in fluid temperature, due to friction between the moving fluid particles.
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Discipline: Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería Estructural
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería Estructural
Juror: Gutiérrez Lázares, José Wilfredo; Jiménez Yabar, Heddy Marcela; Zavala Toledo, Carlos Alberto; Huaco Cárdenas, Guillermo
Register date: 3-Nov-2022
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