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Gonzales, F., (2022). Diseño sísmico de sistemas de piso rígido en edificios de concreto armado [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Gonzales, F., Diseño sísmico de sistemas de piso rígido en edificios de concreto armado [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Diseño sísmico de sistemas de piso rígido en edificios de concreto armado",
author = "Gonzales Cardenas, Freddy Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Title: Diseño sísmico de sistemas de piso rígido en edificios de concreto armado
Authors(s): Gonzales Cardenas, Freddy Ricardo
Advisor(s): Sánchez Meza, Roque Alberto
Keywords: Análisis estructural (Ingeniería); Análisis Sísmico; Edificio de concreto armado; Diseño sísmico
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: Los terremotos en los últimos 25 años han evidenciado fallas en edificaciones debido al colapso de las losas, las cuales son diseñadas únicamente ante cargas gravitacionales y nunca son revisadas ante la acción sísmica horizontal, siendo una práctica común. En ese contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es proponer un procedimiento práctico para el diseño sísmico de sistemas de piso rígido en edificios de concreto armado.
Se revisa el estado del arte enfocado al análisis y diseño de sistemas de piso de concreto armado ante fuerzas sísmicas en el plano, según diferentes normativas e investigaciones. Con base a esta revisión, se propone un procedimiento de diseño para sistemas de piso que tengan un comportamiento de diafragma rígido. Primero, se evalúa la envolvente de fuerzas para diafragmas utilizando el procedimiento del ASCE 7-16 debido a su sustento analítico y experimental, pero empleando los parámetros sísmicos de la norma E.030 (2018). Luego, se propone el método Panel y Barra para el análisis y diseño del diafragma, considerando sólo las ecuaciones de equilibrio y los parámetros de diseño de la norma E.060 (2009). También se presentan los métodos de la Viga Horizontal y Puntal - Tirante, para fines comparativos. Finalmente, se propone verificar el acero de las vigas, obtenido de un diseño convencional, mediante los efectos combinados de flexión y fuerza axial debido a su interacción con la losa ante la acción de la fuerza sísmica horizontal.
Este procedimiento se aplicó a cuatro edificios de concreto armado, cuyos sistemas de pisos tienen la misma configuración en planta y están conformados por losas aligeradas unidireccionales de concreto vaciadas in-situ. De los resultados, se concluye que el diseño con las fuerzas de la E.030 estaría del lado de la inseguridad, tanto en el refuerzo de la losa como en la verificación por flexo- tracción y corte de las vigas, recomendándose el procedimiento propuesto para un diseño racional de diafragmas rígidos en edificios.
The earthquakes in the last 25 years have shown failures in buildings due to the collapse of the slabs, which are designed only for gravitational loads and are never checked for horizontal seismic action, being a common practice. In this context, the objective of this research work is to propose a practical procedure for the seismic design of rigid floor systems in reinforced concrete buildings. The state of the art focused on the analysis and design of reinforced concrete floor systems against seismic forces in the plane is reviewed, according to different regulations and investigations. Based on this review, a design procedure for floor systems with rigid diaphragm behavior is proposed. First, the force envelope for diaphragms is evaluated using the ASCE 7-16 procedure due to its analytical and experimental support, but using the seismic parameters of standard E.030 (2018). Then, the Panel and Bar method is proposed for the analysis and design of the diaphragm, considering only the equilibrium equations and the design parameters of the E.060 (2009) standard. The Horizontal Beam and Strut–Tie methods are also presented for comparison purposes. Finally, it is proposed to verify the steel of the beams, obtained from a conventional design, through the combined effects of bending and axial force due to their interaction with the slab under the action of the horizontal seismic force. This procedure was applied to four reinforced concrete buildings, whose floor systems have the same floor plan configuration and are made up of unidirectional lightened concrete slabs poured in-situ. From the results, it is concluded that the design with the forces of E.030 would be on the side of insecurity, both in the reinforcement of the slab and in the verification by flexo-traction and shear of the beams, recommending the proposed procedure for a rational design of rigid diaphragms in buildings.
The earthquakes in the last 25 years have shown failures in buildings due to the collapse of the slabs, which are designed only for gravitational loads and are never checked for horizontal seismic action, being a common practice. In this context, the objective of this research work is to propose a practical procedure for the seismic design of rigid floor systems in reinforced concrete buildings. The state of the art focused on the analysis and design of reinforced concrete floor systems against seismic forces in the plane is reviewed, according to different regulations and investigations. Based on this review, a design procedure for floor systems with rigid diaphragm behavior is proposed. First, the force envelope for diaphragms is evaluated using the ASCE 7-16 procedure due to its analytical and experimental support, but using the seismic parameters of standard E.030 (2018). Then, the Panel and Bar method is proposed for the analysis and design of the diaphragm, considering only the equilibrium equations and the design parameters of the E.060 (2009) standard. The Horizontal Beam and Strut–Tie methods are also presented for comparison purposes. Finally, it is proposed to verify the steel of the beams, obtained from a conventional design, through the combined effects of bending and axial force due to their interaction with the slab under the action of the horizontal seismic force. This procedure was applied to four reinforced concrete buildings, whose floor systems have the same floor plan configuration and are made up of unidirectional lightened concrete slabs poured in-situ. From the results, it is concluded that the design with the forces of E.030 would be on the side of insecurity, both in the reinforcement of the slab and in the verification by flexo-traction and shear of the beams, recommending the proposed procedure for a rational design of rigid diaphragms in buildings.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Juror: Olarte Navarro, Jorge Milciades; Villanueva Flores, Claudia Del Pilar
Register date: 20-Sep-2022
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