Bibliographic citations
Trujillo, S., (2021). Análisis de la generación de potencia mediante el modelamiento de curvas de eficiencia para mejorar la performance en una central hidroeléctrica con turbina tipo Pelton [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Trujillo, S., Análisis de la generación de potencia mediante el modelamiento de curvas de eficiencia para mejorar la performance en una central hidroeléctrica con turbina tipo Pelton [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Análisis de la generación de potencia mediante el modelamiento de curvas de eficiencia para mejorar la performance en una central hidroeléctrica con turbina tipo Pelton",
author = "Trujillo Arana, Sergio Efraín",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The Economic Operation Committee of the Peruvian National Interconnected System (COES) is in charge of carrying out the short-term dispatch of the power plants that are part of the National Interconnected System, in which power generation is assigned to all the power plants of this system, minimizing the total operating cost, preserving safety and optimal use of all energy sources present in the country's electricity generation. In the case of hydroelectric plants, this COES generation assignment is made by plant and does not consider whether said plant can be made up of units. In times of dry season, when the water resource is limited, the hydroelectric plants are forced to operate at partial loads, which is why a problem arises when choosing to generate with 1, 2, 3 or more units in order to achieve the power assigned as a plant, so there could be multiple combinations, some better than others considering the consumption of the turbine flow per unit, taking into account that each of these units have efficiency curves which vary for each section of operation of the plant . In the present work, the power generation of a hydraulic plant was analyzed by modeling turbine-generator efficiency curves to improve the performance of these plants, made up of Pelton turbines. To this end, the mathematical equations that are considered in the power production of a hydraulic plant were reviewed, as well as the optimization model to be applied in such a way that the performance of these plants can be optimized. This optimization was then implemented in GAMS. Finally, it was applied to the Carhuaquero hydroelectric plant, analyzing the results and the economic benefits found as a result of the optimization implementation.
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