Bibliographic citations
Pérez, C., (2022). Análisis sísmico de un viaducto elevado de la línea 1 del tren eléctrico usando el método de espectro de capacidad [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Pérez, C., Análisis sísmico de un viaducto elevado de la línea 1 del tren eléctrico usando el método de espectro de capacidad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis sísmico de un viaducto elevado de la línea 1 del tren eléctrico usando el método de espectro de capacidad",
author = "Pérez Guerrero, Cristhian Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
In recent times, the infrastructure in the field of transport in Peru is growing on a large scale, which can be seen more clearly in the largest cities of the country, mainly in Lima, where viaducts and underground lines are being built with the purpose of solving the urban transport problem. Viaducts are elevated routes, designed in the form of long, continuous bridges, supported by columns or pillars that divide them into several spans. These pillars are generally quite tall because the primary objective of viaducts is to connect two points by crossing over obstacles, such as highways, avenues, rivers, etc. The seismic analysis and design of this type of structure is essential to ensure the social profitability of the investment, but above all to safeguard human lives that could be lost in an eventual failure and collapse of the viaduct due to a seismic movement. Therefore, the main reason for the thesis is to observe the usefulness of the capacity spectrum method to perform a non-linear seismic analysis in viaducts. In this sense, this research is divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter presents the scope of the research, the main references that describe the capacity spectrum method, as well as the objectives of the thesis. The second chapter deals with the theoretical foundations necessary to understand nonlinear analysis. The third chapter presents the capacity spectrum method, where the guidelines and procedures to be followed to apply the method in viaducts are described. The fourth chapter shows the application of the capacity spectrum method for seismic analysis in a three-dimensional model of an existing viaduct, for which the geometry, materials of the structural components, loads and site conditions are described. The fifth chapter presents the non-linear dynamic analysis of the viaduct under study (time-history analysis), with the same site conditions and geometric characteristics. In a complementary way, the procedure to scale the acceleration records and the characteristics to be used in the seismic analysis is shown. In the sixth chapter, the comparison of the results of the capacity spectrum method and nonlinear dynamic analysis (time history) is described. The maximum displacements are compared and the ductilities for the column that have a higher behavior resulting from the seismic demand are calculated. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations derived from the results obtained in the previous chapters are listed.
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