Bibliographic citations
Cueto, W., (2022). Dimensionamiento del reactor de neutro para la extinción de arco secundario en la futura línea de transmisión La Niña - Piura Nueva 500kV [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cueto, W., Dimensionamiento del reactor de neutro para la extinción de arco secundario en la futura línea de transmisión La Niña - Piura Nueva 500kV [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Dimensionamiento del reactor de neutro para la extinción de arco secundario en la futura línea de transmisión La Niña - Piura Nueva 500kV",
author = "Cueto Herrera, William Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
In the present work, the sizing of the neutral reactor for the future transmission line La Niña - Piura Nueva 500 kV is developed and solved the problem caused by the secondary are phenomenon. Single-phase faults in overhead transmission lines are the most common in an electrical power system, easing the breakers of the failed phase to open. In the open phase, an induced voltage is produced due to the electrostatic and electromagnetic coupling between the phases of the line, the first being the most influential, this voltage produces a current called secondary are current, which will self-extinguish in time, without However, the line cannot be long with the phase open, as this could cause stability problems in the system. Once the fault is cleared, a voltage called Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) is produced in the open phase, if the first peak and the growth rate of the TTR together with the last peak of secondary are current exceeds certain limits, the re-ignition of the secondary are repeating in cycles of switch-off and re-ignition, a situation that must not occur. A method to extinguish the secondary are phenomenon is the use of neutral reactors, with this method it was possible to calculate a range of reactance values from 1700 n to 2300 n, where the first peak, the growth rate of TRV and the current of secondary are within the limits established by the "Comité Económica del Sistema (COES)" in Technical Procedure Nº 20 (PR-20) and were validated with simulations in the ATPDraw software, obtaining a high probability of successful single-phase reclosing .
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