Bibliographic citations
Pérez, L., (2021). Análisis dinámico del motor de inducción trifásico considerando cargas mecánicas variables en el eje del rotor [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Pérez, L., Análisis dinámico del motor de inducción trifásico considerando cargas mecánicas variables en el eje del rotor [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Análisis dinámico del motor de inducción trifásico considerando cargas mecánicas variables en el eje del rotor",
author = "Pérez Solórzano, Leonel Jordy",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
In this thesis work, a non-linear analysis of the dynamic behaviour of the three-phase induction motor is developed, where the electromagnetic and electromechanical balance equations of the induction motor are proposed, considering the magnetisation current vector and the effect of the magnetic saturation of the ferromagnetic core, by means of the space vector technique. Likewise, a computational program is developed in Mat Lab that allows the simulation in non-linear and linear dynamic regime of the three-phase induction motor considering the effect of the magnetic saturation of the ferromagnetic core and taking into account variable mechanical loads on the rotor shaft. The results obtained from the digital simulation are compared with the measurements and experimental tests of the induction motor of the FIEE Electricity Laboratory in steady state.
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