Bibliographic citations
Trujillo, H., (2020). Generación de extracostos durante la ejecución de un proyecto con modalidad de contrato llave en mano o EPC [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Trujillo, H., Generación de extracostos durante la ejecución de un proyecto con modalidad de contrato llave en mano o EPC [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Generación de extracostos durante la ejecución de un proyecto con modalidad de contrato llave en mano o EPC",
author = "Trujillo Alcantara, Horacio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
This work (Professional Sufficiency Work-PSW) is classified within the design, manufacture, installation, and assembly of electrical mechanical systems; as well as important associated specialties in the development of projects within the mining sector, also positioning itself within applied, experimental and field scientific research. The main objective of the same is to perform an in-depth analysis and diagnosis of the problems that the builder, the contractor experiences when he encounters a series of cost overruns or extra-cost, when managing turnkey contracts EPC modality, to their sum maximum guaranteed price (MGP). When the contractor of an EPC project sees that its costs exceed, the total costs offered that it proposed in its economic technical proposal, and with which I earn and award the EPC contract, then the expected profit in the budget, not only becomes null that the gap between what is executed and what is estimated as the expected total cost becomes negative, as and as envisaged in these contracts, these differences are at the contractor's expense, representing with this large losses, which are difficult to compensate, due to contractual clauses that protect the customer and suddenly unprotects the contractor due to a precarious contractual analysis, prior to the signing of the contract, due to undersized budgets, with items of contingency that do not correspond to the risks involved or due to undesirable customer meddling in making decisions during the preparation of detailed engineering and finally the strong customer supervision faculties that slows down and makes the project more expensive, when what characterizes an EPC contract, is to avoid overlapping customer management teams with those of the contractor, taking into account that in contracts like this, all responsibility is the contractor and the project risk is transferred from the client to the Contractor. The mining sector in Peru, currently has a wide portfolio of projects with high levels of investment throughout its history and mining investors, mining companies are opting for the lump sum EPC turnkey contract, for the advantages that represent for them, in terms of cost reduction and risk transfer, allowing them more to prepare the planning of operations and the management of their assets once the project is delivered by the contractor under conditions of commercial operation.
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