Bibliographic citations
Caballero, C., (2021). Análisis CFD de circulación forzada de aire para disminuir la transmisión del virus SARS-COV 2 vía aérea en un salón de clases [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Caballero, C., Análisis CFD de circulación forzada de aire para disminuir la transmisión del virus SARS-COV 2 vía aérea en un salón de clases [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Análisis CFD de circulación forzada de aire para disminuir la transmisión del virus SARS-COV 2 vía aérea en un salón de clases",
author = "Caballero Quehue, Christian Valentino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The respiratory disease COVID-19 spread through saliva in coughs and sneezes or are even exhaled in the form of microbial pathogen micro-droplets, which pollute the indoor air and threaten to human health. As a consequence, in this thesis the influence of a system of ventilation is studied, using six supply inlets and six return outlets of air, applied in a classroom of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the National University of Engineering. In regard to the development, diverse computational tools were implemented, such as the software Inventor for the mechanic design, GMSH for the discretization of the control volume and the package OpenFOAM applying a Eulerian-Lagrangian method, this leading to a deeper understanding of the saliva-disease-carrier droplet transmission mechanisms and also of their trajectory tracking. One important contribution of this work is to determine the “social distance” between individuals to avoid contamination, by inhaling or touching their bodies. The safe distance must be increased to around 2.8 m during a sneeze. Indeed, bottom-supply upper-return air-flow organization can control the spread of micro-droplets with diameters less than 10 um, which were transported toward the return outlets air 1.5 s after the sneeze started. Micro-droplets from 10 to 1500 um in diameter are quickly settled on the floor.
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