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Quispe, D., (2021). Controles geológicos y distribución geoquímica de las calizas de la cantera Atocongo - Lima [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Quispe, D., Controles geológicos y distribución geoquímica de las calizas de la cantera Atocongo - Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Controles geológicos y distribución geoquímica de las calizas de la cantera Atocongo - Lima",
author = "Quispe Bejar, Danilo Adderly",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Title: Controles geológicos y distribución geoquímica de las calizas de la cantera Atocongo - Lima
Authors(s): Quispe Bejar, Danilo Adderly
Advisor(s): Carrascal Miranda, Eitel Rolando
Keywords: Roca caliza; Canteras de calizas; Composición geoquímica
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La roca caliza es la materia prima principal para la elaboración del cemento, dicha roca recubre un 6.3% (80,985 km2) del territorio Peruano (INGEMMET), teniendo su mayor expansión a lo largo de toda la sierra, en la costa se tienen pequeños afloramientos de caliza que ocupan cientos de metros, pero enmarcándonos en la zona costera de la capital, la roca caliza está presente en las Formaciones Pamplona, Atocongo y Chilca, de las cuales solo las calizas de la formación Atocongo y Chilca poseen las propiedades Físico-Químicas adecuadas para la elaboración de cemento.
La Formación Atocongo es la principal fuente de materia prima de la cantera denominada por el mismo nombre; la Cantera Atocongo es la principal cantera de caliza de Lima, su explotación se remonta a los años de 1916. Para el tiempo que viene siendo explotado cuenta con muy pocos trabajos geológicos y mucho menos los que van direccionados al tema de exploración.
En 1945 se realizaron estudios sobre la región Atocongo por Hensaw P. (1945) décadas después en 1975 se realizaron estudios más especializados direccionados a la geoquímica de las calizas de la cantera por Breinlinger R. y Burckhardt C. (1975) por parte de la empresa Holderbank. Posteriormente en los años de 1988 y 2004 se realizaron estudios geológicos de los cuerpos de caliza de la cantera Atocongo por parte de la empresa SVS ingenieros, los cuales fueron más especializados.
Se realizaron varias campañas de perforación diamantina que abarcan desde los años 70 hasta la última que se desarrolló el año 2014.
El 2015 se actualizo el modelo de bloques antes desarrollado en el software Vulcan, por parte de la empresa Core Mining Studies (2015) en el software Datamine para las canteras de UNACEM.
La presente tesis consiste en la revisión de la data bibliográfica, revisión y corrección de la data geoquímica (Blasthole, taladros diamantinos, muestras superficiales y otros); trabajos de campo, mapeo superficial a escala de 1:1000 y finalmente trabajos de gabinete donde realizaremos una integración de toda la información obtenida en etapas anteriores para definir los controles geológicos que definen la geometría de los cuerpos de caliza en la cantera, así como la distribución geoquímica de la composición de la caliza, con el objetivo de determinar los controles geológicos de la cantera y el porqué de su variación en la composición geoquímica de la roca caliza; todo ello direccionado a la optimización de procesos de explotación y exploración de la roca caliza.
Limestone is the main raw material for the production of cement, said rock covers 6.3% (80,985 km2) of the Peruvian territory (INGEMMET), having its largest expansion along the entire mountain range, on the coast there are small outcrops of limestone that occupy hundreds of meters, but framing in the coastal area of the capital, limestone is present in the Pamplona, Atocongo and Chilca Formations, of which only the limestone of the Atocongo and Chilca formation have the Physical-Chemical properties suitable for cement manufacturing. The Atocongo Formation is the main source of raw material of the quarry named by the same name; The Atocongo quarry is the main limestone quarry in Lima, its exploitation dates back to the years of 1916. For the time that has been exploited it has very few geological works and much less those that are directed to the exploration issue. In 1945, studies were carried out on the Atocongo region by Hensaw P. (1945) decades later in 1975, more specialized studies were conducted on the geochemistry of limestone quarry by Breinlinger R. and Burckhardt C. (1975) by the Holderbank company. Later in the years of 1988 and 2004, geological studies of the limestone bodies of the Atocongo quarry were carried out by the SVS Ingenieros company, which were more specialized. Several diamond drilling campaigns were carried out from the 70s until the last one that was developed in 2014. In 2015, the block model previously developed in the Vulcan software was updated by the Core Mining Studies Company (2015) in the Datamine software for the UNACEM quarries. This thesis consists of the review of bibliographic data, review and correction of geochemical data (Blasthole, diamond holes, surface samples and others); field work, surface mapping at a scale of 1: 1000 and finally cabinet work where we will carry out an integration of all the information obtained in previous stages to define the geological controls that define the geometry of the limestone bodies in the quarry, as well as the geochemical distribution of limestone composition, with the aim of determining the geological controls of the quarry and the reason for its variation in the geochemical composition of limestone; all this aimed at the optimization of processes of exploitation and exploration of limestone rock.
Limestone is the main raw material for the production of cement, said rock covers 6.3% (80,985 km2) of the Peruvian territory (INGEMMET), having its largest expansion along the entire mountain range, on the coast there are small outcrops of limestone that occupy hundreds of meters, but framing in the coastal area of the capital, limestone is present in the Pamplona, Atocongo and Chilca Formations, of which only the limestone of the Atocongo and Chilca formation have the Physical-Chemical properties suitable for cement manufacturing. The Atocongo Formation is the main source of raw material of the quarry named by the same name; The Atocongo quarry is the main limestone quarry in Lima, its exploitation dates back to the years of 1916. For the time that has been exploited it has very few geological works and much less those that are directed to the exploration issue. In 1945, studies were carried out on the Atocongo region by Hensaw P. (1945) decades later in 1975, more specialized studies were conducted on the geochemistry of limestone quarry by Breinlinger R. and Burckhardt C. (1975) by the Holderbank company. Later in the years of 1988 and 2004, geological studies of the limestone bodies of the Atocongo quarry were carried out by the SVS Ingenieros company, which were more specialized. Several diamond drilling campaigns were carried out from the 70s until the last one that was developed in 2014. In 2015, the block model previously developed in the Vulcan software was updated by the Core Mining Studies Company (2015) in the Datamine software for the UNACEM quarries. This thesis consists of the review of bibliographic data, review and correction of geochemical data (Blasthole, diamond holes, surface samples and others); field work, surface mapping at a scale of 1: 1000 and finally cabinet work where we will carry out an integration of all the information obtained in previous stages to define the geological controls that define the geometry of the limestone bodies in the quarry, as well as the geochemical distribution of limestone composition, with the aim of determining the geological controls of the quarry and the reason for its variation in the geochemical composition of limestone; all this aimed at the optimization of processes of exploitation and exploration of limestone rock.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Geológica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica
Grade or title: Ingeniero Geólogo
Juror: Valverde Espinoza, Santiago Gualberto; Mendoza Apolaya, Atilio
Register date: 19-May-2022
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