Bibliographic citations
Flores, D., (2021). Estudio de factibilidad de la instalación de estaciones de servicio de gas natural licuado basado en las tecnologías de micro licuefacción [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Flores, D., Estudio de factibilidad de la instalación de estaciones de servicio de gas natural licuado basado en las tecnologías de micro licuefacción [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Estudio de factibilidad de la instalación de estaciones de servicio de gas natural licuado basado en las tecnologías de micro licuefacción",
author = "Flores Quispe, Derlyn Jesus",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The type of research of the thesis is experimental with a quantitative research approach whose purpose is to determine the feasibility of installing liquefied natural gas (LNG) service stations for heavy vehicles, based on micro liquefaction technologies, supported by the viability of the technical, economic and financial demand. In order to produce LNG on site for service stations, a study of the different micro-liquefaction technologies on the market was carried out describing their technical characteristics. In 2004 the implementation of the natural gas vehicle (NGV) in the automotive sector benefited light vehicles (otto cycle), through conversions, however, it was not possible to implement in heavy vehicles because of the low autonomy of NGV and to the high degree of compression ratio of the diesel cycle, causing an unsatisfied market in the fleet of heavy vehicles. However, with the advancement of technology in conversion kits to dual fuel systems, it is possible to get the replacement of diesel by natural gas to levels of 80%, considering the best properties of liquefied natural gas (LNG), it is feasible to supply gas natural to heavy vehicles while maintaining its performance. In 2019, the Scania company entered to Peru its LNG trucks, marking a milestone in Peruvian transport, getting routes of 1,000 kilometers
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