Bibliographic citations
Romaní, D., (2021). Análisis de la temperatura interna de los transformadores para aumentar la capacidad de carga de las subestaciones eléctricas de distribución secundaria [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Romaní, D., Análisis de la temperatura interna de los transformadores para aumentar la capacidad de carga de las subestaciones eléctricas de distribución secundaria [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Análisis de la temperatura interna de los transformadores para aumentar la capacidad de carga de las subestaciones eléctricas de distribución secundaria",
author = "Romaní Morón, Diego Martín",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The final customers of electricity distribution are attended by secondary distribution networks. These customers vary between large, medium and small companies; offices; businesses; multi-family buildings and small single-family homes with different energy consumption levels. This means that the characteristics of the load that the secondary distribution networks must attend to are very varied. These loads, although very different from each other, share in common the need for a reliable flow of energy and an increasing demand over time, so a failure in the networks means losses and discomfort in the general population. This research studies the effects on the transformers of secondary distribution electrical substations when operating in overload, taking as bases the hourly load diagrams, the load guides and the construction characteristics of the area transformers, with the aim of increasing their carrying capacity in a safe way. To achieve this, special attention must be paid to the unique characteristics of the substations in which the study will be carried out, such as the daily electricity demand curve and the construction characteristics of the substation.
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