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Sedano, J., (2021). Parámetros de operación para la producción de agua electrolizada oxidante a nivel laboratorio [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Sedano, J., Parámetros de operación para la producción de agua electrolizada oxidante a nivel laboratorio [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Parámetros de operación para la producción de agua electrolizada oxidante a nivel laboratorio",
author = "Sedano Malpartida, Joel Leordany",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Title: Parámetros de operación para la producción de agua electrolizada oxidante a nivel laboratorio
Authors(s): Sedano Malpartida, Joel Leordany
Advisor(s): Villón Ulloa, Ángel Eduardo
Keywords: Agua electrolizada; Agua ácida; Reactor electrolítico
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El Agua Electrolizada Oxidante o Ácida (EO) es el producto de un nuevo concepto desarrollado en el Japón. Sus ventajas son muy amplias y no sólo se puede utilizar para el rubro de la agricultura, sino además de ganadería, en medicina, para eliminar patógenos en superficies de hospitales, limpieza de material quirúrgico, curación y limpieza de heridas. Y un aporte adicional es que promueve beneficios en el crecimiento y propiedades de las plantas si se usa como agua de regadío y además beneficios en el crecimiento de animales, si la consumen. Para producirlo se requiere de un proceso electrolítico, para lo cual se realizará un módulo electrolítico con membrana de intercambio catiónico Nafion 117, usando una solución diluida de cloruro de sodio, electrodos inertes en este caso grafito. El compartimento anódico es la que genera el agua electrolizada ácida, cuyos compuestos principales son el HClO, HCl, Cl2 y O2, su poder desinfectante se define por tres parámetros: pH, ORP y cloro libre residual. Teniendo mayor influencia el cloro libre residual Estos quedan determinados por la concentración de cloruro de sodio, tiempo de electrólisis e intensidad de corriente. La estabilidad del agua electrolizada ácida permite establecer su tiempo de vida y por ende su vigencia. Esta estabilidad depende de la cantidad de ácido hipocloroso que se ha formado. La aplicación del agua electrolizada es bien amplia y promete ser una interesante aplicación para la desinfección.
Oxidizing or Acid Electrolyzed Water (EO) is the product of a new concept developed in Japan. Its advantages are very wide and can not only be used for the field of agriculture, but also livestock, in medicine, to eliminate pathogens on hospital surfaces, cleaning of surgical material, healing and wound cleaning. And an additional contribution is that it promotes benefits in the growth and properties of plants if it is used as irrigated water and also benefits in the growth of animals, if they consume it. To produce it requires an electrolytic process, for which an electrolytic module with cation exchange membrane Nafion 117 will be carried out, using a dilute solution of sodium chloride, inert electrodes in this case graphite. The anodic compartment is the one that generates acid electrolyzed water, whose main compounds are HClO, HCl, Cl2 and O2, its disinfectant power is defined by three parameters: pH, ORP and residual free chlorine. The residual free chlorine having greater influence on disinfection. These are determined by the concentration of sodium chloride, electrolysis time and current intensity. The stability of the acid electrolyzed water allows to establish its life time and therefore its validity. This stability depends on the amount of hypochlorous acid that has formed. The application of electrolyzed water is very wide and promises to be an interesting application for disinfection.
Oxidizing or Acid Electrolyzed Water (EO) is the product of a new concept developed in Japan. Its advantages are very wide and can not only be used for the field of agriculture, but also livestock, in medicine, to eliminate pathogens on hospital surfaces, cleaning of surgical material, healing and wound cleaning. And an additional contribution is that it promotes benefits in the growth and properties of plants if it is used as irrigated water and also benefits in the growth of animals, if they consume it. To produce it requires an electrolytic process, for which an electrolytic module with cation exchange membrane Nafion 117 will be carried out, using a dilute solution of sodium chloride, inert electrodes in this case graphite. The anodic compartment is the one that generates acid electrolyzed water, whose main compounds are HClO, HCl, Cl2 and O2, its disinfectant power is defined by three parameters: pH, ORP and residual free chlorine. The residual free chlorine having greater influence on disinfection. These are determined by the concentration of sodium chloride, electrolysis time and current intensity. The stability of the acid electrolyzed water allows to establish its life time and therefore its validity. This stability depends on the amount of hypochlorous acid that has formed. The application of electrolyzed water is very wide and promises to be an interesting application for disinfection.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Química
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Textil
Grade or title: Ingeniero Químico
Juror: Reátegui Romero, Warren; Cárdenas Mendoza, Teodardo Javier
Register date: 26-Apr-2022
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