Bibliographic citations
Gutierrez, J., (2021). Evaluación de la velocidad de desactivación del catalizador de hidrotratamiento de diésel para la obtención de diésel de ultra bajo azufre [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Gutierrez, J., Evaluación de la velocidad de desactivación del catalizador de hidrotratamiento de diésel para la obtención de diésel de ultra bajo azufre [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de la velocidad de desactivación del catalizador de hidrotratamiento de diésel para la obtención de diésel de ultra bajo azufre",
author = "Gutierrez Blas, Joan Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The diesel Hydrotreating is a novel process in our country, due to the limitation of the sulphur content in diesel has improved over the last two decades. Currently, diesel with a maximum sulphur content of 50 ppm is commercialized in the clear majority of Peru. However, this specification will be lowered for the near future, to produce ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) with 10 ppm of sulphur. The improvement in the reduction of the sulphur content is determined by environmental policies to give health and environmental benefits, which impact the production and commercialization of diesel. The present research has the purpose of evaluating the deactivation rate of the catalyst of the diesel Hydrotreating unit, at a local refinery, to produce ultra low sulphur diesel (5 ppm); wherein said unit has a typical operation of 30 ppm o sulphur content. The first part of this research develops the profile of the catalyst deactivation rate through the days of typical operation, by the normalized WABT method and general operating data of the unit in mention. The second part performs the same evaluation methodology for the ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) operation, where the effect on the deactivation rate of the diesel Hydrotreating catalyst can be determined, due to an operation with a sulphur content more restrictive. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of the deactivation rate of the catalyst respect to the sulphur content in the feed shows the future deactivation rates. Which allow the selection of the type of crude to be processed in downstream unites and the improvements to be applied in order not to reduce the life cycle of the catalyst.
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