Bibliographic citations
Vizcarra, V., (2021). Evaluación de eficiencia en la reducción del hierro, manganeso y sulfatos contenidos en una muestra de aguas ácidas, tratada mediante un humedal de flujo sub superficial horizontal con la especie dracaena sanderiana como componente vegetativo [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Vizcarra, V., Evaluación de eficiencia en la reducción del hierro, manganeso y sulfatos contenidos en una muestra de aguas ácidas, tratada mediante un humedal de flujo sub superficial horizontal con la especie dracaena sanderiana como componente vegetativo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de eficiencia en la reducción del hierro, manganeso y sulfatos contenidos en una muestra de aguas ácidas, tratada mediante un humedal de flujo sub superficial horizontal con la especie dracaena sanderiana como componente vegetativo",
author = "Vizcarra Arce, Víctor Joaquín",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The main objective of the present investigation, is to determine to what degree of efficiency in reduction of metals and sulphates contained in a sample of acidic waters, can be presented when choosing a treatment by means of Artificial Wetlands of Sub Surface Flow elaborated with the Dracaena Sanderiana species (also known as indoor bamboo) as a vegetative component. For the construction and installation of the components of the artificial sub-surface flow wetland, which consists of a glass module, divided into 04 cells or compartments, each containing the Dracaena Sanderiana species, which will promote biological reactions at the sub-level with the intention of improving the reduction of heavy metals and sulfates present in the sample. The principle on which the research has been based, consists in observing the reduction of sulfates as an indicator in the stabilization of the acidic medium, achieving the increase in pH, which, said activity, will lead to a decrease in the solubility of the metals contained in the water, generating its reduction by precipitation. For practical research purposes, a synthetic sample has been generated based on reagents such as iron sulfate and manganese sulfate. The reason for the choice of both metals was because iron is present in any sample of acid mine drainage in various concentrations, in terms of manganese, this has been considered as the most difficult metal to remove, since it has a high potential of solubilization over a wide pH range, that is, between 4.5 - 8.0. Finally, in the results obtained, it is observed how the total reduction of the concentration of the iron contained in the samples has been achieved, and the trend has been maintained throughout the 02 months of effective tests. Although the iron was removed, the concentration of manganese only decreased between 44.01% and 86.61% for the month of March and between 38.75% and 61.32% for the month of April.
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