Bibliographic citations
Lucero, J., (2020). Implementación de techo verde como sistema pasivo en viviendas rurales altoandinas para el desarrollo de políticas públicas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Lucero, J., Implementación de techo verde como sistema pasivo en viviendas rurales altoandinas para el desarrollo de políticas públicas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Implementación de techo verde como sistema pasivo en viviendas rurales altoandinas para el desarrollo de políticas públicas",
author = "Lucero Ccencho, José Benjamin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
Peru is a country with a diverse geography whose benefits are immense and favor our development. However, they also bring with them certain phenomena that are natural but that can have a worrying impact given certain conditions of vulnerability. Moreover, it is increased within the current process of Climate Change, where many of these phenomena have intensified. In this regard, this thesis deals with a current and recurrent situation related to one of the best known natural phenomena that occurs in Peru and that impacts, in a direct way, on the life and normal development of productive activities of the populations that inhabit the high Andean rural areas. It is the effects of the frost phenomenon. It is known that the houses located in rural areas are buildings that have mostly been self-built using adobe and / or rammed earth as the main material for the walls and fiber cement, as a modern cover of low cost. However, the latter is a material that, technically, does not justify its massive use in places where the temperature reaches critical levels due to the frost phenomenon. Based on this diagnosis, the quantitative and qualitative deficit of rural housing in the high Andean areas has become visible. Various public and private projects have shown an interest in this field with the aim of directing efforts towards the development of new techniques and applying them in the construction, maintenance and improvement of housing. At the public sector level, interventions took on greater relevance from the creation of the Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion), which, in coordination with other entities, has progressively increased resources to close gaps in this field. However, there is still a need to refocus efforts on strengthening the capacities of national programs for the growth of investment in the field of rural housing that ensures the generation of new techniques with traditional materials, their application and the sustainability in the hand of the communities themselves. In this sense, this thesis integrates two fundamental parts: the first one, developed with a completely technical approach and; the second one, oriented to the development of public actions through national policies. From these approaches, the essential characteristics of the green roof proposal are described, as a passive system, implemented in rural housing in order to achieve the improvement of thermal comfort. The housing modules built for the experimental stage maintain the essential characteristics of a rural house and, in addition, collect the recommendations provided by the National Building Regulations, in Standard E. 080 "Adobe", and adobe construction manuals developed by the Ministry of Housing. As a result, an increase of up to 3°C has been obtained in the internal temperature of the house equipped with a green roof compared to the temperature of a house with calamine covering. These differences increase to 6° C, if the comparison is made between the internal temperature of the model with green roof versus the temperature of the environment. Finally, this thesis considers it important that the development of these new techniques should be reflected in society for the benefit of those who need it. That is why, additionally, the academic exercise that raises an Investment Program for the Implementation of Green Roofs is carried out under the minimum requirements indicated by the National System of Multi-Annual Programming and Investment Management In a complementary way and, as a final analysis, a Public Policy proposal is presented that addresses, in a generalized way, the development of Rural Housing in order to be considered as the starting point for the opening of a more profound debate that encompasses the Integral Development of the Rural Areas of Peru.
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