Bibliographic citations
Paredes, R., (2020). Análisis del plan de mantenimiento basado en normas del Instituto de RENOVETEC de ingeniería de mantenimiento para reducir gastos operativos en un centro comercial [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Paredes, R., Análisis del plan de mantenimiento basado en normas del Instituto de RENOVETEC de ingeniería de mantenimiento para reducir gastos operativos en un centro comercial [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Análisis del plan de mantenimiento basado en normas del Instituto de RENOVETEC de ingeniería de mantenimiento para reducir gastos operativos en un centro comercial",
author = "Paredes Chávez, Renzo Ismael",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
The purpose of this research was to analyze the maintenance plan of the Strip Center Santa Catalina - La victoria shopping center for the period 2019 using the methodology based on the IRIM standards for the correct planning of a maintenance. The study of this research focuses on comparing and analyzing the maintenance plan throughout the 2019 period based on the theoretical contributions of García, S (2009-2012); García, O (2011), among others, taking into account his experience and concepts of preventive maintenance in important commercial and industrial sectors. The research is constituted under the quantitative approach, using authors such as Macmillan, J and Chumacher, S (2005) and will be of the Descriptive, field, applied and non-experimental type. The unit of analysis will be the information and maintenance activities carried out in the shopping center. The comparative analysis will allow us to see the behavior of the indicators such as operating expenses and verify how profitable it is for the Strip Center. The results show us that there is a great existence of failures on the part of the teams in the shopping center due to not having an adequate procedure for planning preventive maintenance, presenting high expenses for corrective maintenance, so when applying the Based on the IRIM standards, it is posible to obtain a reduction in operating expenses by having adequate maintenance planning by using protocols that allow monitoring and correctly executing the frequencies of maintenance activities.
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