Bibliographic citations
De, R., (2021). Estudio definitivo para una subestación eléctrica de 20/15 MVA (ONAF/ONAN) en 60 /22,9 KV [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
De, R., Estudio definitivo para una subestación eléctrica de 20/15 MVA (ONAF/ONAN) en 60 /22,9 KV [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Estudio definitivo para una subestación eléctrica de 20/15 MVA (ONAF/ONAN) en 60 /22,9 KV",
author = "De la Cruz Romero, Roni",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
This report describes the technical aspects to be considered for the design of a 20/15 MVA electrical substation considering atmospheric conditions with high pollution, this due to the presence of high salinity for being in the coastal zone of the Peruvian coast and to the agricultural contamination of the zone due to the agricultural plantations of the area. In the particular case, the study will be developed at a definitive engineering level for the implementation of a new electric substation in 60/22,9 kV, which will section the existing transmission line between the Villacurí and Tacama substations (L-6623/2), therefore, the electric system will go from a radial configuration to a "pi" type configuration with two new transmission lines L-6507 and L-6508 in 60 kV. The new 20/15 MVA electrical substation (ONAF/ONAN) will be made up of 02 transmission line cells, 01 high voltage transformation cell and three medium voltage output cells. This document details the considerations and calculations required for an electrical substation located in an area with a high presence of pollution and high temperatures, such as the conditions of our Peruvian coast, so it includes the calculations to justify the selection of insulation in the equipment to be supplied, as well as the technical characteristics for supply and assembly of the equipment to be installed considering the specifications and recommendations of the current standards. Also, the electrical study is presented considering the impact that generates the entrance of the new substation guaranteeing that the tension levels are not affected in the normal operation of the national electrical system, finally the electromechanical plans of the project of the new electrical substation are presented.
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