Bibliographic citations
Ramirez, L., (2020). Rediseño de una línea de transmisión para reducir costos operativos de mantenimiento [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramirez, L., Rediseño de una línea de transmisión para reducir costos operativos de mantenimiento [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Rediseño de una línea de transmisión para reducir costos operativos de mantenimiento",
author = "Ramirez Yanayaco, Loni Maicol",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
In the present research of professional sufficiency, the focus is on reducing the operating costs of maintaining a transmission line, performing a redesign to modify its infrastructure, analyzing not only the environmental and geographical conditions of the area, but also considering the existing transmission lines with the longest commissioning time and the best conservation of their elements. In the development of this present research of professional sufficiency, the field information of an electric transmission line at the 138 kV voltage level was collected, this transmission line was put into service in 1972 and designed with an infrastructure of reticulated towers, which was critically affected by the climatic conditions of the operation area. To carry out the redesign of the transmission line, the calculation and dimensioning of the elements necessary for the construction of a high voltage aerial transmission line were developed, this design follows the indications and recommendations of current regulations, standards and provisions. Develops the criteria and equations to determine the electrical and mechanical calculations of the elements belonging to the transmission lines, mainly the conductors, insulators, guard wire and support structures, the mechanical design hypotheses are also specified for the climatic onditions of the zone of influence and determining the arrow and tension tables for the conductors. Finally, it presents the economic budget that implies the execution of the construction of this transmission line, comparing it with the budget executed and programmed to carry out the maintenance of said line.
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