Bibliographic citations
Vera, J., (2020). Diseño del sistema de control de transitorios hidráulicos generados por corte del suministro eléctrico, ante el colapso del sistema de bombeo Nº 11 en la unidad minera Ticlio – Volcán [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Vera, J., Diseño del sistema de control de transitorios hidráulicos generados por corte del suministro eléctrico, ante el colapso del sistema de bombeo Nº 11 en la unidad minera Ticlio – Volcán [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Diseño del sistema de control de transitorios hidráulicos generados por corte del suministro eléctrico, ante el colapso del sistema de bombeo Nº 11 en la unidad minera Ticlio – Volcán",
author = "Vera Arroyo, Juan Alexis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
In this thesis has been elaborated the design to control the behavior of the Hydraulic Transients caused by power supply cut, using valves and bladder tanks to avoid the collapse of pumping system N°11 of the mining unit Ticlio – Volcan. For this it has been done a technical analysis of pumping system N°11, which has been divided in three case studies incorporating in each case different protection elements as: “Surge anticipating valves”, “Air valves” and “Bladder Tanks”. Fort the technical analysis, it has been used as a calculation tool the software Hammer V8i, wich graphically represents the behavior of the hydraulic transients, doing the analysis of pumping system N°11 without protection elements and with protection elements. Then a comparative analysis is performed of the three case studies since the economical point of view, with the purpose of evaluate also the economic part in the decision to opt for one or another alternative. Finally using one or another element of protection of the three case studies analyzed control is achieved the behavior of the hydraulic transients, that is, both the overpressure and depression waves are damped thus avoiding the possible collapse of pumpingsystem N°11.
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