Bibliographic citations
Ayala, G., (2019). Implementación de indicadores de gestión para el control de las operaciones en minería subterránea – mina Modelo [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ayala, G., Implementación de indicadores de gestión para el control de las operaciones en minería subterránea – mina Modelo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Implementación de indicadores de gestión para el control de las operaciones en minería subterránea – mina Modelo",
author = "Ayala Orihuela, Ghercy Gustavo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
The international prices of minerals can't be controlled and the mines of Peru are immersed in the global economic market. the production costs of Peruvian mines are increasingly increasing and their income and profits decrease. Under this prospect, the undersigned has believed it convenient to develop the present research work in order that the mine increases productivity and lowers operating costs. For that reason, it is necessary to combine efforts between human, administrative and technological resources. The implementation of the Management Indicators for the Control of Operations of an underground mine is proposed. In the first place, the current situation of operations in a mine will be analyzed, starting with the unitary underground operations to establish a baseline. the implementation of management indicators allow us to have a tool control, measurement and evaluation of the strategies proposed in accordance with the objectives of the mine, objectively measure the result of underground mining operations and implementer management indicators that they are going to be used in mining and that ultimately generate the creation of value in mining operations. To make the management indicators, the use of information stored in the mine's information system will be used and the most relevant will be monitored in the results of each process, to analyze it and see the opportunities for improvement in the processes. As a result, the management indicators were implemented, as well as the operational delays of drilling, loading and hauling equipment to optimize its key performance indicators known as KPIs, allowing us to measure and take the necessary corrective measures in order to increase productivity and reduce mining costs (US $ / TM) in the Model Mine, recommending its implementation in other areas of the mine's production process (concentrator plant, maintenance, etc.) and it could be applied equally in other mining units with similar characteristics.
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